For the final edition (for now) of Worship Songs to Stir Your Soul, here are four songs you hear and sing when you feel like can conquer the world because you have Jesus on your side. Even when you don’t feel like you have not yet overcame a season, you can sing these songs to remind you that you will.
No Other Name – Hillsong Worship
This ultimate anthem does it all. The best thing to do when we want to feel this strength is to praise Him. If you’re feeling defeated, this song declares His power on your life. This powerful song affirms the belief that Jesus is the most powerful, especially as we sing “Seated on high, the undefeated One, Mountains bow down as we lift Him up, There is no other Name, Jesus Christ our God”
More Than Conquerers – Rend Collective
This is the ultimate conqueror song! The Rend Collective says it all: “Nothing is impossible, every chain is breakable, with You, we are victorious”. This song in particular shouts the victory of the Cross and how we are defiant on Christ. This is definitely a song to boost your confidence in being triumphant due to Him.
No Longer Slaves – Bethel
This melody is a love song to God who gives you strength to get through your trials. As Bethel sings these beautiful lyrics (“You split the sea So I could walk right through it My fears were drowned in perfect love”) you can’t help but feel as if you can conquer the whole entire world with God on your side.
Every Battle – Gateway
This fight song declares that the battle you’re going through is not yours to handle and that Jesus is there to fight for you. The best part about this song is it praises Him while proclaiming the strength of your faith. As we sing, “Oh, I hide, covered by Your wings, it's there You fight for me, and every battle is Yours,” we tell God that we’re putting our trust in Him to take care of our circumstances.