It appears to be an epidemic on social media to give up on love. I certainly can't scroll through Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr without seeing some sort of sad post about a failed relationship, a significant other leaving, or just giving up on love overall. Sometimes they're status updates, other times they're shared pictures. I have weekly conversations with some friends about it. But overall, it appears as if our generation is giving up on love and settling with hook ups and "Netflix and chill". And sure, it all seems fine and dandy until the dreaded thing happens- someone catches feelings. So I'm here to remind you why catching feelings isn't such a bad thing at all.
1. 24/7 Support System
In any good relationship, your significant other can most certainly be your rock. Of course, we always have family and friends, but oftentimes when you enter a romantic relationship, you find that you connect with your significant other on a unique level. You may tell your best friend everything, or you can be closer to your mom than anyone else in the world. But there's nothing like finding someone who understands you on an almost impossible level. So going to them with your problems feels good because you know they'll get it. And they're also there to cheer you on for the positive things!
2. Connection
As I previously mentioned, the special connection you feel with someone you chose to enter a romantic relationship with is amazing. It is such a beautiful feeling to find someone that really honestly gets you. That you feel comfortable with and that feels comfortable with you. That connection will make such an impact on your life and ultimately leave a lasting mark on your heart. It will awaken your soul.
3. Growth
Loving someone takes a lot of work. It takes a lot of working on yourself in order to be able to be comfortable enough with yourself to love someone else. It also takes a lot of teamwork with your significant other. Not every day is going to be perfect. Sometimes you will get on each other's nerves. There will be arguments, there will be days when you're not happy with each other. There will be days where one of you puts in more effort than the other. And days when you won't have the energy to put the work in, it takes compromise. There is a lot to learn from being in a romantic relationship, just as there is from being in a friendship.
4. Happiness
I firmly believe that individual happiness is more important to achieve before finding yourself in a romantic relationship. You should never depend on someone else to achieve happiness. But there is no shame in relishing in the happiness you share with someone. In a healthy, functioning relationship you will find yourself feeling loved, having mostly good times together, and just enjoying the presence of each other. Thus, resulting in your happiness. And it's a great feeling! That being said, it's still important to focus on your own personal happiness, but finding shared happiness is always a great thing!
In conclusion, love is a great thing. There are a million reasons not to give up on it, but these are four that keep my love strong! Personal growth and happiness are great, but it's also wonderful to share that with someone else. Forget about the hook-up scene and don't be so afraid of catching feelings!