33 Hobbies Millennial Women Can Do In Their Free Time, If They Somehow Have Some
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33 Hobbies Millennial Women Can Do In Their Free Time, If They Somehow Have Some

If you're looking for something to fill up empty time, here are 33 options to try out.

33 Hobbies Millennial Women Can Do In Their Free Time, If They Somehow Have Some

We've all been there—you have nothing planned and end up spending an entire day in complete idleness, bored out of your mind.

For some, it's easy to fill up empty time with social outings, hobbies or work; for others, empty time passes by agonizingly slowly.

If you're one of the latter with no idea what to do, here are 33 activities you could try.

1. Acrylic painting.

An easy form of entertainment, even if your artwork doesn't turn out quite like the Mona Lisa.

2. Decoupaging.

Decoupaging is a way to use mediums such as Modge Podge glue to attach photographs, pictures or other cut-outs to surfaces such as wood or metal. It sounds hard but is surprisingly easy and fun, and doesn't require artistic skill to be successful.

3. Writing short stories.

It doesn't matter if you think you're a "bad writer." Forget essays and write something more creative.

4. Gardening.

This activity is more of a long-term commitment, but who doesn't love fresh fruits and vegetables straight from the backyard?

5. Cooking.

You'd be surprised how simple cooking really is.

6. Hiking.

Whether it be a little trail by a pond near your house or up in the mountains, hiking is an activity that successfully combines exercise and entertainment.

7. Watercolor painting.

All you need is water, paints, some brushes and heavy paper. Again, you don't have to be a fantastic artist to have fun!

8. Sewing or DIY fashion.

This activity requires a little more skill but can save you some money as well as fill up your time.

9. Rock climbing.

Whether indoor or outdoor, rock climbing is a challenging and exciting way to spend your time.

10. Jewelry making.

Your jewelry can be as simple as threading some beads on a string or wire, or you can experiment with metals, gemstones and more expensive materials.

11. Baking.

Whether from scratch or out of a mix, baking is a great way to spend time creating something delicious.

12. Calligraphy.

You can take classes, or you can just use the Internet.

13. Woodworking.

This activity can be as big as building a structure or as small as making household decorations.

14. Coding.

No matter what career you're in, coding is a helpful skill.

15. PC gaming.

If you have a PC computer with decent specs, games like Portal can challenge your logic while games like Overwatch and other first-person shooters can test your reflexes and quick-thinking abilities.

16. Reading.

Reading isn't always about 500-page novels—some of the best books are in the range of 200 pages, and poems usually take up less than one.

17. Exercising.

While not easy, exercise promotes a healthy lifestyle and increases your life expectancy.

18. Writing poetry.

You don't have to be cranking out iambic pentameter or perfect rhymes to be a poet—just spend time using metaphors and imagery to describe the world around you or specific events or feelings.

19. Journaling.

Whether you use your journal to chronicle the events in your life or just a place to word vomit everything you're thinking or feeling, journaling can be beneficial for your mind and emotional well-being.

20. Makeup.

Practice those dazzling prom looks, or perfect the "no-makeup" makeup look.

21. Whittling.

All you need is a sharp knife and some wood.

22. Stage makeup.

From bruises and broken noses to aliens and otherworldly creatures, stage makeup can transform your appearance (however briefly).

23. Papier-mâché


Simple, easy and entertaining, papier-mâché

is the perfect way to spend time creating decorations or props.

24. Console gaming.

While expensive if you don't already own a console, console gaming is another way to work on reflexes or intelligence like PC gaming.

25. Bird watching.

Spend time watching birds around your house and learn which is which with the help of the Internet or guide books.

26. Fishing.

Whether or not you catch anything worth eating, it's still fun!

27. Medical herbology.

Obviously, medicinal herbs don't make up for modern medicines and treatments, but learning what herbs can soothe a sore throat or ease your stress headaches is helpful.

28. Kayaking or canoeing.

Not the cheapest endeavor, but another great way to exercise and explore at the same time.

29. Skiing or snowboarding.

A great way to take advantage of the cold and snow, although, if you live in the deep south or it's the middle of the summer, it may not be an option.

30. Volunteering.

Whether at an animal shelter, hospital, religious institution or anywhere else you can think of, volunteering rewards you not only with something to do, but with the wonderful feeling of helping those in need.

31. Solving puzzles.

The opportunities are endless—jigsaw puzzles, riddles, crosswords, mathematical puzzles, and more. You can find them on the Internet or buy them at book shops or some grocery stores.

32. Swimming.

Indoor pools are open all year round, and whether you decide to take classes or go free-form, swimming is an excellent form of exercise often overlooked.

33. Knitting or crocheting.

It's not just for old women! Knitting or crocheting is especially helpful if you don't want to have to buy scarves, hats or blankets.

In moderation, all of the above activities are fun and healthy ways to both entertain yourself and learn a few new skills in the process. While I'm no expert, I have tried and enjoyed all of them, as well as others not on this list. Almost any interest can be made into hobby, so don't limit yourself!

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