After graduating high school, all the sad thoughts about never being with my exact classmates in that exact building ever again really hit me. Turns out almost every high school senior feels this little bit of sadness that comes with the bittersweet feelings of graduating and moving onto the next best thing in our lives and I wanted to share my findings with everyone!
1. You no longer ever have to go to that horrible building you once called your high school.
2. No one in their right mind will now force you to get up at 6:30 every morning for the next four years.
3. You don't have to see anyone from high school that you do not want to now.
4. Which means you now have to always make an effort to see some of your favorite people that you would normally just see at lunch or in class.
5. No one will ever ask you what your high school GPA was.
6. You're done with standardized testing! Just kidding, there's the GRE for you future grad students...
7. You're probably done being in a class with less than 20 students.
8. You are now an alumni of your high school and to anyone under the age of 10, instantly considered "old."
9. You will never have to worry about permission slips again.
10. No more proms, homecomings or spring flings! Just formals...
11. You have moved on to learning from "teachers" to "professors."
12. Um... What now? College? Studying abroad? Adulthood?
13. Feeling a little bit lonely because you no longer eat lunch in a giant room with hundreds of other students.
14. You won't have gym class again! No more dreadful mile runs!
15. You are now freshmen all over again; four years of high school to start over as a freshman.
16. I guess it's time to start scholarship essays?
17. Time to also make college friends on social media?
18. You're officially free from all school work! Until your college summer work is assigned...
19. "High School Musical 3" was more relatable than ever.
20. You notice the amount of paper and random handouts you have accumulated throughout your four years.
21. You worry that you peaked in high school.
22. You now must purchase your textbooks...
23. Your parents can't pull the "it's a school night" card anymore.
24. You get to learn (or not learn) whatever you want now!
25. Attendance is now only suggested, not monitored by the state and no more detentions for missing class.
26. All of us are in the same boat which sort of makes making friends a little bit easier.
27. Your parents now never have to know where you are because they know you're probably on campus somewhere.
28. Education is now more expensive or just plain expensive than it ever was in the past.
29. You worry that you'll never see your friends again and that Instagram and Facebook are all you have left!
30. But you also now realize, that you have all the freedom in the world to go ahead and do exactly whatever it is you wanted and trained the past four years to do!