3 Reasons Why Which Wich Tops Your Ordinary Sandwich Shop
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3 Reasons Why Which Wich Tops Your Ordinary Sandwich Shop

3 Reasons Why Which Wich Tops Your Ordinary Sandwich Shop
1.  Bags on Bags on Bags of Sandwiches.
There are 12 bag options but it doesn't just stop there, underneath each bag option for your meat there are additional options for how you want it.  The bags include: turkey, ham + pork, beef, chicken, seafood, vegetarian, Italian, limited time only sandwich, classics, breakfast, the wicked, and kidswhich. If you venture over to bag number 3: Beef, you have the option of choosing between Roast Beef, Beef Cheesesteak, French Dip, Corned Beef, or a Reuben. On a side note the 11th bag is The Wicked, which consists of five meats and three cheeses of your choosing.  The presentation of your Which Wich is very important there are several way to serve it, you have the option of white or wheat bread, small (7’’), medium (10.5’’), or large (14’’), also you can opt to have it as a lettucewich or bowlwich. The sandwich is wrapped in lettuce either as a wrap or placed in a bowl. Which Wich also likes to say “some like it hot” so you have the option of have you sandwich as a coldwich or hotwich. There are so many options just to start with just wait till you get to the toppings.     

 2. Toppings Galore.
Your ordinary sub shop has all of the basics, but Which Wich goes all out. They have 12 different types of cheeses...even cheez whiz! They also have an ample spreads and sauces category including hummus and sriracha, and if there is one thing I have learned in my four years here at Florida State college kids love sriracha. Which Wich even has multiple mustards and mayos for the connoisseur out there, plus eight additional dressings you have the options of putting on your Which Wich creation. Now lets talk about veggies, they have a section set aside for just onions: caramelized, red, or even crispy strings; for the rest any vegetable or veggie related product you can think of they have. Nuts, sauerkraut, coleslaw and the rest of the fixings are all there to perfectly customize your Which Wich. To top off the sandwich, you can add oil and spices to your masterpiece. Last but not least there are some extras, feeling like a little extra meat or cheese, or topping it off with bacon, or egg, or even some delectable avocado just check off the extra category with the signature red sharpie.            

3. Their Ice Cream Brings All The People To The Yard.
Treat yourself to their amazing shakes or sweets. All of their milkshakes are made to order real ice cream milkshakes the flavors they have are: Banana, Chocolate, Oreo, Pineapple, Strawberry, and Vanilla.  Plus you can make it interesting by adding a banana or extra flavor to any shake or you can make it a malt! Also the shakes come in three different sizes so you can choose how much delectable goodness you want to consume. Which Wich also makes ice cream cookie sandwiches with their fresh baked cookies and ice cream. Their sweets are out of this world; all of their cookies are freshly baked along with their brownies are finger licking good so save some room after your sandwich for a shake or treat.  Which Wich breaks the flavor charts for tasty subs and sweet treats so go check them out!

They are located in Walker Plaza (3020 W Pensacola St) across from TCC , and they officially open December 8th at 10am!

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