3 Awful Presidential Mishaps | The Odyssey Online
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3 Awful Presidential Mishaps

3 Awful Presidential Mishaps

In the incoming results and taking down of signs all across America, people until the final hour will be debating and arguing over the pros and inadequacies of both candidates. Donald Trump is criticized for his unguarded words and callous behavior whilst the Clinton administration suffers from bad publicity as well in the wake the email scandals. Despite this, it is an important thing to note is that virtually all the presidents of the United States have done things that were perhaps less than reputable for such men of upstanding. Here are a few instances.

1. Andrew Jackson's Parrot Cursed Too Much

The seventh president of the United States was known for a lot of things. He was a tough old man frequently known for getting in fights and duels with others. After an assassination attempt in 1835 wherein the assassin’s pistols both jammed, Jackson now 67 furiously beat the man with his cane. Lesser known however is that at some point Jackson happened across a parrot he named Poll which was initially a gift to his wife. The parrot learned to curse and the President decided to keep the bird and was even present at his funeral. Excited by the large group of people, Poll began loudly swearing at the crowd of mourners. According to the story, the parrot carried on cursing for so long, it was eventually removed from the service.

2. Bush Sr. Puked on the Japanese Prime Minister

On January 8th 1992 while taking a country wide trip through Asia, President Bush Senior visited the Japanese Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazwa in Tokyo. The president had caught an intestinal flu at some point during the trip and during the dinner ceremony Bush excused himself to go to the bathroom. After returning to his host, he found that he still felt sick.

The rest, was caught on camera.

Bush Sr. is seen with his wife attempting to stem the tide of angry stomach content unsuccessfully with Miyzawa catching some of the flak in his attempt to help. The president then passed out on the floor for several moments before being covered in a green coat to hide the puke and being helped to his feet to let everyone know he is alright. The incident gave rise to a Japanese slang term, BushuSuru, or, “to do a Bush.”

3. Ulysses S. Grant Showered People with Dead Birds

March 4th 1873 was a particularly cold day; cold as in 16 degrees Fahrenheit with the wind bringing it down to minus 15 degrees. Unfortunately it was also Ulyssess S. Grant’s second inauguration, so in keeping with tradition there was a presidential ball in celebration of the event. The building designed to house the event was placed in Judiciary Square and lacked any kind of heating or temperature control. This forced party goers to dance and mingle with all of their coats on and according to some sources the food served was completely cold. This includes the champagne and coffee which was stated to been frozen. The worst part of the ceremony however was the 100 canaries that were brought in to sing for the party guests. The songbirds were caged and housed on the ceiling of the building and eventually froze either all dying or raining down on the heads of the attendees bellow.

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