25 Tips I Wish I Knew Before Starting College
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25 Tips I Wish I Knew Before Starting College

Because freshman year can be a little scary.

25 Tips I Wish I Knew Before Starting College
Mary Kathryn Groh

Your first semester in college is scary, stressful, and totally different and new. You don't know anyone. Classes and work load are 10x harder. And trying to adjust to the way things are in college is difficult. Once you adjust to life in college, you'll realize that everything that once mattered to you so much in high school, doesn't matter at all now. Whether you freaked out about getting a bad ACT or SAT score, or you didn't get the role in the school musical you wanted, or you didn't go to the school dances because you didn't have a date, or you didn't make varsity in a school sport, none of that matters now. Just focus on what you want to accomplish in your years in college because, time really flies by so make the most of every minute! Here is some advice on how to survive college and make the most out it!

1. Try Something New

Pick up a new hobby and find your niche! I'm doing things in college that I never thought that I would accomplish or do; from changing my major to joining several clubs on campus. Branch out of your comfort zone and meet new people. But don't forget your high school and childhood friends.....they are important to keep close so that when you need to vent about how stressed your are or need someone to talk to, they are there for you.

2. You Don't Need to Party and Get Drunk Every Weekend in Order to Have Fun

Make good choices. Don't do stupid things that will get you in trouble. This message certainly applies to drinking, but can be used in all aspects of your future. Never let others convince you that under-achievement and slacking off are "cool" traits. There is nothing cool about being an idiot. Let yourself feel good about learning everyday. Don't be lazy and write off a failure or use it as an excuse to slow down. Dumb people are constantly seeking the easy way out, but the smart ones have quite the different idea. Embrace your talents and the hurdles that you may not be able to overcome right away. If some laugh at your hard work and success, then let them laugh their lives away.

3. Get a Part Time Job

I cannot stress how important this is. College is so expensive, plus books, plus food. You need a job to bring some income into your wallet. There are plenty of campus jobs that you can find, and they will schedule around your classes.

4. Write Down Your Goals

Write down anything, no matter how far-fetched your goals may seem at the moment. Write down anything you hope to accomplish in your 4 years. Make the most out of your time.

5. Cherish the Summer After Graduation

Trust me. You'll most likely be working the next year.

6. It's Okay to Not Know What You Want to Major in Right Away

It's also okay to change your major at the end of freshman year (like me!) Just take classes in things that interest you and that will help you to decide what you want to do with your life.

7. Create A Weekly Schedule and Motivate Yourself

The amount of freedom that you have will be very enchanting and overwhelming at first, but it is very easy to get off track.

8. If You Are Struggling With Your Class, Talk to Your Professor

GET A TUTOR. DROP THE CLASS (if you didn't pass the date to drop a class and ONLY if you don't think you can bring the grade up) Do not fall behind in class. If you do, may the odds be ever in your favor. Good luck.

9. Become Friends With at Least One Person in Every Class

This will make group projects easier and going to class more bearable.

10. Ratemyprofessor.com

You'll thank me later.

11. Rent Your Textbooks

Do not buy your textbooks from the bookstore. You'll save so much $$. (Chegg is awesome!) Sometimes you don't even need to buy the textbook. Go to class first and get a feel for if you really need it or not. Don't spend money on a book that you won't even use.

12. It's Okay to Not Graduate in 4 Years

Ignore the stigma of being a 5th year student. It's okay. Being a 5th year student does not mean you are dumb or any less of a student. Maybe you changed your major or maybe your took a semester off, but whatever your reason for staying an extra year, just know that it IS okay. A diploma is a diploma no matter how long it took you to get it.

13. Exercise

You will live off of fast food, frozen meals, and dining hall food for 9 months. None of that is healthy for you. The freshman 15 is not a joke.

14. Professors Won't Care About Your Excuses for Not Turning in an Assignment

Don't make excuses. This isn't high school. You are an adult. You need to become best friends with your professors. They’re the ones fueling your GPA now and can write recommendation letters for grad school or jobs later.

15. College is Where You Really Find Yourself and Become Who You Want to Be. Don't Let Anything Get in the Way of That

You will “find yourself” at least five separate times while you’re in college and each one of these life altering experiences will help you finally become the person you’re meant to be. Change is never a bad thing and, if it is, find a way to learn from it and make it a necessary lesson.

16. There is No Need to Look Good on Campus

Use that time before class to get some extra sleep.

17. Get a Small Umbrella and Always Keep It in Your Backpack.

College campuses are not rain-friendly.

18. Don’t Drop Out.

Having a college degree opens up so many doors.

19. Don’t Schedule an Early Morning Class if You Know You’re Going to Skip It.

Be honest with yourself and choose a different class.

20. Create a Resume.

And keep working to improve your resume over time. Linkedin is also a great site to connect with business and build your network.

21. Take Classes Seriously.

You’re paying thousands of dollars for them, might as well get your money’s worth.

22. Don't Wait Last Minute to Type That 6-8 Page Paper.

Don't procrastinate.

23. Buy a Planner and Put Down All the Important Dates of Homework and Exams Once You Get Your Syllabus.

Professors expect YOU to know when assignments are due since they put it on the syllabus. They probably won't remind you about the assignment until the week before it's due.

24. Put Campus Security's Number in Your Phone.

Always be alert and careful on campus. Stay safe and always be cautious in case of any emergency.

25. Do a Walk-Through of the Locations of Your Classes Beforehand.

    It will save you the time and stress during the first week. Spare yourself the embarrassment of absentmindedly walking into the wrong class or stopping every other person to ask where a certain building is.

    College is great and a little scary. Sure you'll feel stressed and overwhelmed, but college really allows you to feel a little glimpse of being an independent adult. If you take these 25 tips seriously, your college experience will be a successful one.

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