25 Things I'll Miss About Being A College Student
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25 Things I'll Miss About Being A College Student

Don't ever take this opportunity for granted.

25 Things I'll Miss About Being A College Student
Elmira College

If you've been on social media in the past few weeks, I know you know what time of year it is: graduation time. I've been watching as all my old high school friends graduate from their individual colleges, waiting patiently for our graduation date, and as I've been doing that, I realized something. I am really going to miss college. So here's a list of some of things I'm going to miss terribly now that I'm a college graduate.

1. Living next door to my best friends.

One of the best things about college is dorm life (depending on your point of view, it can also be the worst thing, but that's a story for another day). The experience you get in college is really unlike any other—you're living next door, down the hall, or a flight of stairs away from your closest friends.

2. Movie nights.

From squeezing six people on a mattress watching library DVDs on a laptop to settling into couches watching Netflix on a TV screen, movie nights will always be one of my favorite memories from college. Disney movies were obviously the best.

3. Family dinners.

Displaying IMG_1214.JPGI rarely eat a meal alone here. Walking into the Dining Hall I almost always find someone to eat with. Meal times are the most entertaining of times—I remember sitting at the table for two to three hours some days, just talking to people as they come and go for their meals.

4. Impromptu plans.

Only at college can you be sitting around and decide, "Hey, let's go to the movies!" and just get up and go. It's a beautiful thing.

5. Always having someone to talk to.

While you can find places to be alone, you can also always find places to be with other people. You always have friends to talk to! And if you're having problems, you always have friends in your corner.

6. Living in a community of people my own age.

In dorms, basically everyone you're living with is between 18 and 22 years old. It's a lot of fun to be with people your own age, who can relate to your experiences in life.

7. Being able to join clubs.

Clubs are a lot of fun. You get to hang out with people have the same passions you do! Is there anything better?

8. Going to class.

I might be alone on this, but I actually really like learning...class is fun (most of the time). I've learned a lot these past four years. I'm really going to miss being a student.

9. Being independent.

College is this fun time between being a kid and being an adult. You finally get some independence, but not so much that it's stressful. You get your own room, a meal card loaded with cash, the ability to decide if you're going to do homework or Netflix all night... you have a chance to make your own decisions in a safe environment.

10. Badminton! (Or any other gym class.)

It kills me to say this, but the gym classes I took here were actually quite a lot of fun. Mainly because I took badminton with this one friend who, no joke, hurt herself almost every class. It was hilarious. We were also kind of horrible at it...but it was a good time!

11. Student performances (free entertainment, woo!).

Watching plays/musicals/dance shows on campus is so much fun. And it's free! So that's cool.

12. Taking classes for fun.

I love having free time in my schedule to just take a class I'm interested in, even if it has absolutely nothing to do with my major. When you're in college, you have to explore (why not, right?).

13. Starbucks every day (at least once a day... sometimes two... or three...).

I have become a Starbucks addict. I get all the low-calorie, light drinks there (I live on iced coffee...), so I pretend it's OK. I'm not quite sure how I'll handle real life, but I guess I'll find out pretty soon...

14. Free meals.

Every once in awhile at college you get free meals. Sometimes they suck. Sometimes they're delicious. Either way, they're free, so... I'll miss this.

15. Making friends with my professors.

There's one professor on campus I've taken nine classes with. He's an adorable old man who went to Catholic school and loves to go off on tangents about it. Becoming friends with your professors is just great.

16. Staying up too late (or never going to bed at all...).

These are the nights where you make memories you're likely to never forget. You might be grumpy the next day, but that night, fueled with coffee and Mountain Dew, you are infinite.

17. Picking up new skills/hobbies.

I learned how to crochet in college, because I'm weird. Luckily, it's OK to be weird at college. Also, now I have a constant back up for presents, so I feel that's a success.

18. Watching Netflix with no guilt (because who has responsibilities?).

Netflix is a college student's best friend. Never again will I have the free time to binge watch an entire series in four days. So I'm going to go into mourning now over that sad fact.

19. The drive to/from campus (especially with friends).

With friends or alone, driving the distance to or from campus can be a lot of fun. Either you get to talk for a few hours to a friend, or you get to jam out by yourself (or jam out with a friend). All good options.

20. Never having to cook my own food.

I'm lazy, so never having to cook is nice. The food could be better quality, but you can't knock convenience.

21. Free laundry!

I hate doing laundry, but free laundry is nice. If there are washers open. And nothing is broken. So... it's nice too often. But sometimes!

22. Not having to be an adult.

Being an adult kind of terrifies me, so I appreciate being able to have some of the independence of adulthood, but so few of the responsibilities. I'm going to miss that quite a lot.

23. Getting mail (because in the real world, it's not actually a fun thing).

Here when I get mail it's either cards filled with money from family members or packages filled with fun stuff. In adulthood, mail is usually full of bills, which makes getting mail sad. So I'll miss fun mail. I hope people send me fun mail after college, too.

24. Never having to clean/fix my own things.

Quick shout out here to housecleaning and buildings and ground staff—they make life here so much easier. I appreciate not really having to worry about things like spilled chili in the hall or a broken shower head

25. Singing the Alma Mater.

While I can honestly say I don't know all the words to the Alma Mater, I still like the sentimentality of singing it. Plus at Elmira, we sway. It's basically the first thing we learn how to do as Freshmen. So I am going to miss that.

College has been the greatest time of my life, and there are hundreds of things I'm going to miss, but these are just a few. If you're just going into college—please, make sure you enjoy it. All of it. It's all fantastic, so don't take it for granted! And those still in college, enjoy all the time you have left. One day you'll be a senior, too, and you'll have to say good bye to it all—don't wait until then to realize how much of it you loved.

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