24 Things I Learned In New York
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24 Things I Learned In New York

The city that never sleeps

24 Things I Learned In New York

Over the past couple days of being in NYC, I've come to learn a few things about life in the city that I thought were worth sharing.

1.) Stay on your side of the Brooklyn Bridge.

New Yorkers did not generally seem to like it when a pedestrian stepped foot in the bike lane, and did not seem scared to cuss you out as they peddled by.

2.) Take the subway.

$3 for a one way ticket didn't seem too bad when the alternative was an hour walk. (also, this was a lot cheaper than taxis)

3.) Walk quickly.

4.) Cross the street even if it says not to.

You generally tend to stick out if you wait until the sign tells you to walk. And it wastes time to wait.

5. People will try to sell you comedy show tickets and drugs all in one.

You don't need a ticket to the show? Well here, I also have weed, cocaine, and meth! I think over the course of my first day there I was offered cocaine more than 4 times.

6.) Eat food from a food truck once.

Probably not the healthiest or the "realest" food you'll find in the city, but its a cheap way to grab something in a hurry, and adds to the overall experience of being in the city.

7.) You will never not find a Starbucks.

There is seriously one everywhere you go. But there are plenty of better local coffee shops to choose from.

8.) Central Park is actually huge.

It's easy to get lost in here for hours at a time.

9.) Everyone is from Everywhere.

During the course of my stay in New York I met people from Europe, Asia, and even Africa.

10.) Good luck trying to pee in public. (for free)

It's almost like a game trying to find a public bathroom to use without having to spend $5 on something I didn't want or need.

11.) Try new foods

NYC has the perfect amount of balance between picky eaters and people who will eat anything.

12.) Celebrities are normal people too.

Although, it is fun to walk past Lady Gaga's top floor apartment when entering central park.

13.) Everyone seems to be beautiful.

Most people I came in contact with seemed to be ready to walk down a runway at any second.

14.) Enjoy the peace of no service on the subway.

Take a break from your phone and just look around you. Enjoy the sights and the sounds.

15.) Live TV shows are super fun!

(even when they do cut your friends out of the pic and add complete strangers haha)

16.) There's a reason that that one subway car is empty.

17.) The subway is never running exactly how you need it to.

These posters seemed to be plastered everywhere.

18.) Chinatown feels like being in actual China.

Chinatown proved to be one of the best places to try new food! (Most things were written in Chinese so we didn't really know what we were eating at first!)

19.) Bars are open later than back home.

You get about two extra hours at an NYC bar.

20.) "Stand clear of the closing doors please" will be forever embedded in my brain.

21.) Appreciate subways that have an electronic map inside of them.

This is one of the most convenient things I've found during my time in New York.

22.) Look for restaurants with an "A" grade.

Unless you're eating off a food truck, try to find the cleanest places to eat.

23.) NYC generally has a "safe" feel to it.

Even during late night adventures through the city, we never felt uncomfortable.

24.) NYC is one of the greatest cities on Earth.

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