2016: The Year of Sensitivity
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2016: The Year of Sensitivity

It's Impossible to Give an Opinion Without Offending Anyone First

2016: The Year of Sensitivity

This year is, without a doubt, one of the strangest and most eventful years of the last decade. We had a rich, entrepreneur pumpkin, and a shady grandma, run for president. Not to mention the amount of terrorist attacks, not only by foreigners, but by citizens of the United States. Gun laws became the hot topic after the Orlando massacre, which went from an incident involving homophobic beliefs, to one discussing if our Second Amendment needs to be amended. This year has had more ups and downs than a roller coaster, and has resulted in over-sensitive bitching.

The year of 2016 is nothing more than a year of complaining and everyone voicing their opinions trying to sound more offended than the person next to them.

I am tired of all the annoying complaining about being offended. No one can make a joke without accidentally triggering someone. It’s like going into a mine field and expecting not to blow up. What is very mind-boggling is that everyone has become so sensitive to opinions. Do you know what happens if someone else has a different opinion than you? Nothing. Someone else's opinion harms you in no way. They do not control how you feel or act. So why has this year become one where everyone is offended?

What I see from this is irony. Those promoting the acceptance of "different" lifestyles, get mad when others don't conform to their accepting mindset. Let's go over an example. The controversy of gay rights has become more vocalized over the past couple years and has engulfed society in it's progressive social movement. Unfortunately, like other non-Conservative ideas, it’s turning everything into the “Maury” show where people yell, thus, influencing others to yell. Additionally, like other new influential movements, this one continues to cause controversy. Members of the public do and do not accept the lifestyles of gays and transgender individuals. Those who do, are typically the progressive types who are accepting of everything. Those who do not, tend to be more conservative. However, the accepting folks tend to be hypocritical in their definition of accepting. You might catch them saying phrases such as "I never judge anyone". Well, these hypocrites are the same ones who judge others for not accepting gay and transgender community members. Do you see the irony?

Personally, I am accepting of the LGBTQ community, and disagree with certain reasoning by those who do not support. But since I am accepting do I say I don't judge others? Hell no. I may be progressive but I'm not ignorant of my thoughts. I'm judgmental, just like everyone else. We as humans judge others on a daily basis. There is a saying that goes as follows: people decide whether or not they like you within the first 30 seconds of meeting you. Don't act like you don't judge people just because you accept a certain way of living, because that's a lie.

Society is tearing itself apart with all it's anger and aggression towards those who don't convert to their beliefs. This has been exemplified on every social media platform, since the start of the presidential race. From the beginning, people have argued back and forth about that Trump being a misogynistic asshole and Hillary being crooked. There is no reason to argue over Facebook about it. I can guarantee you did not change someone's mind because you shared an "I'm With Her" post. The election is over and people have made up their minds and formed opinions long before you thought you could influence them. Sure, some opinions are wrong. But fighting and ranting because people have different political views is ridiculous.

Ever since this election began it has been nothing but people being offended by every small detail. And the worst part is, ANYONE who is a Trump supporter is considered an asshole. Guess what America, just because you supported anyone but Trump, doesn't mean you're any less of an asshole. Stop judging people's character based on who they accept or like. Just because you think differently than others does not mean you can get on your high-horse and feel attacked because someone disagrees with you. Life is not about agreeing, it’s about people sharing ideas that, most of the time, are different. Rather than getting upset, look at their point of view and learn. Understand that you can’t change people.

Our attempts at accepting everyone have created a gap in society rather than brought us together. Don't expect everyone to like the same things and live in a society where they hold hands while singing "Ring Around the Rosie". That's not realistic. If you claim to accept everyone's beliefs and say that it's OK to be different, then let everyone be different and accept how theythink. But,if you are going to judge people for being vocal about not believing what you do, then don't pretend that you are accepting of everything. Everyone knows you are judging them just as much as they are you. Stop being so sensitive and let people have an opinion.

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