20 Underrated Artists That Should Be In Your Music Library
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20 Underrated Artists That Should Be In Your Music Library

Here is the music you didn't know you needed.

20 Underrated Artists That Should Be In Your Music Library

There is something about listening to an underrated, not-so-popular artist that makes them more special to listen to.

For my entire life, I've been a huge music lover across all genres, always listening to new artists and unique styles.

So, with a music library of just under 2,500 songs, I have compiled a list of my favorite underprized artists who deserve to be heard.

Skizzy Mars

Skizzy Mars is by far one of my favorite artists of all time. With unique beats and a distinct voice, his music is full of good vibes.

Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap

Favorite song: "Lucy"

Souly Had

Souly Had's music can fit for virtually any mood; with a unique rhythm, his songs are especially good for a laid back setting.

Genre: R&B/Soul

Favorite song: "All the Time (feat. Alanna Aguiar)"

Jeremy Zucker

Although Jeremy Zucker is one of my go-to artists for when I am sad, his songs can encompass any mood. With a wide-range voice, he makes lots of music with another underappreciated artist, Chelsea Cutler.

Genre: Alternative

Favorite song: "desire" or "'Bout It (feat. Daniel James & Benjamin O)"

Chelsea Cutler

Chelsea Cutler's music is glaringly incredible; you cannot get enough of it. With a sweet and high pitched voice, she specializes in many songs about break-ups. She's like the underrated, way better version of Taylor Swift — sorry, I don't make the rules.

Genre: Pop

Favorite song: "Deathbed"

Arizona Zervas

I am going to be that person for a minute — I discovered Arizona Zervas back in 2017 with my best friend before "Roxanne" was released. I am here to say it — "Roxanne" is not nearly his best work. With loads of songs on all music platforms, he is definitely one to listen to.

Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap

Favorite song: "Shit You Love" or "Parted Ways (feat. Arye)"

Matt Maeson

Matt Maeson is an artist for those who love indie, folk, or alternative music. With an acoustic background, he still knows how to keep an upbeat rhythm, not to mention his amazing voice.

Genre: Alternative

Favorite song: "Hallucinogenics" or "Cliffy"


An indie-pop band consisting of Paul Jason Klein, Charles Leslie Priest, and Jake Clifford Goss, the songs they release are pretty upbeat and feel-good. They deserve much more attention than they get.

Genre: Alternative

Favorite song: "Malibu Nights"


Lauv is a new and upcoming artist who gets pretty deep in his songs. He has an amazing voice and is very open about his mental health struggles on social media platforms. With a hit song of "I Like Me Better," his others are very worthwhile to listen to.

Genre: Pop

Favorite song: "Getting over You"

Christian French

Christian French has lots of laid-back and vibey music that should be given more attention. He collabs with artists like Hoodie Allen and has a very smooth voice.

Genre: Pop

Favorite song: "Superstars"

Landon Cube

Landon Cube has a pretty high-pitched voice with a unique style in music. His songs range from hip-hop to alternative tastes, being one of my favorite artists.

Genre: Pop

Favorite song: "19"

Iann Dior

Texas rapper Iann Dior is famed by his hit single "gone girl" featuring Trippie Redd. However, his first album, "Nothings Ever Good Enough" has many songs that, in my opinion, are better than his hit single.

Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap

Favorite song: "Emotions" or "Don't Want To Fall"


Everyone may know the hit single "Mine" released a couple of years ago, but his other songs deserve far more attention than they get. Bazzi was known pretty well on Vine and started releasing music a couple of years after. With a smooth and wide-range voice, his music is spectacular.

Genre: Pop

Favorite song: "3:15"

Kid Quill

I discovered Kid Quill in 2018 when he opened for Skizzy Mars' tour and realized why his fans are so passionate about his music. He is very talented and his songs can make anyone happy. He is for sure an artist that can promise good songs.

Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap

Favorite song: "Kids in the Summer"

Quinn XCII

There is absolutely nothing bad I could say about Quinn — he is by FAR one of my favorite artists. With a very distinct voice and a good sense of humor, his songs are not only growing more popular but also getting better.

Genre: Pop

Favorite song: (so hard to choose!) "Worst" or "One Day At a Time"

Mike Stud

Mike Stud's songs feature unique beats and a good rhythm. He is the type of artist that can both rap and sing in his songs, one of my favorite types of music.

Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap

Favorite song: "Mirrors on the Ceiling"

Oliver Tree

I discovered Oliver Tree when he opened for Skizzy Mars' first tour — his music is very unique, to say the least. However, if you have good taste, he should be in your music library.

Genre: Alternative

Favorite song: "All I Got"


Aries music is very laid back, featuring a singing and rapping combo. He isn't known by many, but after listening to his songs, that should change.

Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap

Favorite song: "SAYONARA"

Bryce Vine

Everyone knows that chill, hit single "Drew Barrymore." Bryce Vine is a distinguished artist with a distinct voice. His songs will make you want to kick back and relax, or dance — that's how talented he is.

Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap

Favorite song: "Glamorama" or "Love Me Hate Me"

Vance Joy

Australian singer Vance Joy is well known for his song "Riptide," but all of his songs will make you fall in love with life and never fail to make me smile.

Genre: Alternative

Favorite song: "Mess Is Mine" or "Alone With Me"

Pink Sweat$

Pink Sweat$ brings so much emotion and love into his songs, with a wide range in his vocals. After listening to one song, it is guaranteed to become obsessed with his music.

Genre: R&B/Soul

Favorite song: "Coke and Henny, Pt. 2" or "Call Me"

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