Anyone who claims to love going to the gym is probably a psychopath, but hey, to each his own. I love the feeling I get after leaving the gym, but that's a totally different story. But for real, the gym is basically the most terrifying place in the world. There are men who look like they could break your neck by just looking at you, weird machines that look like torture contraptions and of course, the worst of all, the treadmills. But in the end, we all love to hate the gym, and we drag ourselves there almost daily. So here are 20 thoughts that everyone has at the gym.
1. I really, really hope that my sweat stains aren't too noticeable
2. I wonder if I have abs yet... I mean I already did like thirty crunches
3. How has that dude been sprinting for 20 minutes straight, he seriously can't be human
4. I've already been here for 20 minutes, can I go home yet?
5. Wow, I LOOOOVE those Nike's
7. I wonder how many calories I've burned today
8. I should totally get Starbucks after this
9. If I do another squat I think my leg is going to fall off
10. I hope no one just saw me pick my wedgie
11. I should've stayed home
12. Why did I EVER think it was a good idea to go for a run
13. I should've came at 12... no one ever comes here at 12.
14. Dammit I forgot my headphones
15. Lord PLEASE put me out of my misery
16. I did five push ups in a row, I totally deserve ice cream tonight.
17. Why on earth do I pay money to come here and torture myself
18. How the hell do you work this machine...
19. OW, ok I did NOT do that right
20. Wow I feel so much better about myself now, I'll totally be back tomorrow......
yeah probably not.