20 Things You Should Learn By Your 20's
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20 Things You Should Learn By Your 20's

It's the hustle era of your life.

20 Things You Should Learn By Your 20's

There are a couple of things that no one teaches you until you hit a point in your life when you find yourself calling your dad on the side of the road asking him if it costs money to have AAA come to fix a flat tire, or if you should just try to do it yourself. Here are 20 things you should learn in your 20's if you haven't learned them already.

1. What amount of food you should be buying to feed yourself for the week

If you are standing in line at the deli, wondering how much of that chicken you should be asking the guy to slice you up, it suddenly becomes very stressful. How much is half a pound, and how much will it cost? Or should you be asking for a quarter of a pound? Maybe you will just get the pre-sliced and packaged ham instead. Less human interaction with that one as well.

2. When and where you should get an oil change

Chances are you might not have a car that tells you when you need your oil changed on the dashboard, which means you just have to know this one. If you put it off, eventually your car will have bigger issues.

3. How to do your own laundry

Yes I do include how to get out stains, wash delicates, separate colors, and fold each garment correctly. Mom or dad won't always be there to help you out.

4. How to wash dishes by hand

The chances of you having a high-end dishwasher in your first apartment are pretty slim. The chances of mom coming over to help out with your dishes are even slimmer. So you should probably learn how to properly wash, sanitize, and dry those puppies on your own.

5. How to write a check

If we're lucky, we've received one or two of these in our life time. Other than the number on the right side, do we really look at them though? Probably not. In this day and age of debit cards, cash, and credit cards it's becoming less and less common to write checks. However, there will come a day when you need to and you will be happy that you learned.

6. How to address an envelope

Think really hard back to elementary school and I'm sure you can remember this. If not though, it's really quite simple. Just please don't be the imbecile who needs to Google it every single time.

7. How to tie a tie

This applies to the ladies and the gentlemen. There's going to come a time where you need to wear a suit, or you're going to have to assist a sibling or partner with one of theirs. It's a useful skill to have and an easy one to pick up after a few tries, so give it a whirl!

8. How to cook

No, you don't have to be Gordon Ramsay. However, if you can cook 2 or 3 different dishes for each of the 3 meals a day: I'd say you're doing pretty great for yourself. You're no Iron Chef, but you're also living a lot healthier than Lean Cuisine.

9. What "credit" and a "401K" are

They're important and our math teachers do not teach us about them. Ask your parents, ask your bosses, Google it. I don't care which, just please get a basic understanding before adulthood really smacks you across the face.

10. Geography

I know this sounds basic but stick with me here. Do you know where the time zones of the United States start and stop? Do you know the time difference between the east and west coasts? Do you know how many actual time zones are in the US? If I give you a blank map of the 50 states, can you fill it in correctly?

I have a feeling you need to go Google a thing or two.

11. How to apply for a job

You should know all that is needed to apply for a job. It is your information for crying out loud. Your address, birthday, and phone number are basics: but do you know your social security number by heart? Your parents' birthdays? Your mothers' maiden name? These are possible questions that could appear on any application.

12. How to sew

I'm not asking you to make me a dress like Little House on the Prairie, but if you can re-attach a lost button to a shirt or fix up a hole in a pillow or stuffed animal: you'll get very far in life.

13. How to read an analog clock

I know we're in the digital age now but this is a classic design that will probably never go out of style: please learn it!

14. The difference between Love and Lust

This one is a hard one for a lot of people, some never can tell the difference between the two. If you are able to get a grasp on these concepts and feelings, you've found yourself in a very self aware place.

15. Knowing when to ask for help

Even adults have a hard time with this one. Being able to acknowledge the fact you need assistance, and actually reaching out to someone is a tough thing to do. The sooner you learn it though, the easier it becomes. You don't always have everything figured out, even though you might think you do.

16. Knowing it is okay to not know what you want to do with life

Having to decide on a major and then a career can put a lot of pressure on you. Being scared to make the wrong decision is normal, and not knowing what you wanna do for the rest of your life is also normal. It is a big decision, and sometimes you won't know until something falls in your lap. Enjoy the time that you have while you still have it. Pieces fall into place eventually.

17. Dress as if you are the boss

Yes, sweatpants and leggings are the shiz when you wake up late and don't know what to do with yourself. However, dressing to impress should not be a foreign concept. Looking presentable makes you feel more confident, and therefore you act more confident. Grow up, and put on some real pants.

18. Don't be shy to the world

There are endless amounts of possibilities in this world. Don't be afraid to try something new, or go somewhere different. You are young, and you have the time!

19. How to roll with the punches

Didn't get that job you wanted? Okay. That boy won't text you back? No biggie. Go with the flow, overthinking hurts your head and your heart sometimes.

20. Be yourself

You are the only you in this world. So be happy with who you are and what you stand for. Happiness will follow.

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