20 Things I've Learned Before Age 20
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20 Things I've Learned Before Age 20

I mean, there's more than twenty things, but you get the gist of it.

20 Things I've Learned Before Age 20
Kelsey Brownlee

The other day I found myself giving my younger brothers advice on some things I have learned throughout my long, 19-year life. Then I thought, "Hey, I wish I had an older sibling to explain some of these things to me so I wouldn't have wound up heartbroken so much." Now I'm not saying I have all the secrets to life, but humor me for a second and think of me as an older sibling giving you some pretty handy life lessons if I do say so myself.

1. Don't let anyone be your happiness

Of course, it's okay to let people make you happy, don't get me wrong on this one. Just don't allow them to be your happiness. As in, don't let them be the only thing that makes you happy. Because if you give them that power, they sure can snatch up your happiness real quick.

2. If you love something, don't let anyone get in your way of doing it/liking it.

This one can apply to big things or just things like songs. No matter what it is, if YOU like it, then enjoy the heck out of it. There have been so many times in my life when I have loved something but have been too afraid to talk about it out of fear that others will judge or make fun of me. Once I realized that this was something silly to be worried about, it really changed things for the better.

3. Don't be so quick to judge others.

I know it is instinct to judge others first thing, I'm guilty of it myself. Just hear me out on this one, don't be so quick to judge because chances are you will miss out on some pretty neat people. When I finally realized this and started to get to know random people that middle school me judged and turned away from, I learned pretty quickly that I had missed out on some quality people in my life prior to that.

4. It is OKAY to laugh at yourself

Sometimes you have to laugh at yourself. Not everything is as big of a deal as you think and as humans, we are prone to make mistakes or slip up. When this happens, laugh at yourself. It makes it easier and you will find yourself not getting so hurt by things. It is important to remember this because if not, you will find it harder to take it lightly when others criticize you.

5. Learn to take criticism others give you

Chances are when someone is giving you criticism, it is because they want to see you succeed and do well in life. Yes, there are the people that are exceptions who are just criticizing you because they can and want to bring you down. Even when these people criticize you, take into consideration what they are saying. You can learn from this.

6. Show the people you love that you love them

Nothing is worse than wondering if someone really cares about you or not because they don't really act like they do. Please, don't ever make anyone feel like that. If you love and care about someone, make sure they know. Constantly tell the people you love that you love them. They need to hear it. Even if you don't tell them, show them. There are so many ways you can tell someone you love them without actually telling them.

7. Never be afraid to dance it out

Dancing is always an answer to any problem you're having. There's really no explanation for it. That's it.

8. Eat the dang cake (let loose)

This one obviously doesn't apply only to cake. This is just me saying if you are stuck on the fence with a decision, just choose to do it. I've learned that if you care enough to constantly think about it and ponder on it, you probably need it or want it more than you realize.

9. Things can be taken from you as easy as they are given to you

When you get something that is new and that you love, it is so easy to obsess over it and let that be all you think about. What I think a lot of people don't understand is that things can be taken away so quickly so when you obsess over something and allow that to be your happiness, you will end up completely shattered if it were to be instantly taken from you.

10. Find a few close friends that you can invest in

While it seems like it, having tons and tons of friends isn't as great as they make it out to be in the movies. Maybe there are some exceptions out there, but when you have umpteen friends, some of them aren't going to be real friends. This is why it is important to find those few friends who are good for you and love and support you no matter what. These friends are ones you know you can invest in without fear of them turning on you.


I have been told this my whole life and I really wish I would have listened earlier. It wasn't until this past year that I really understood the importance in saving money. I have always been an impulse buyer so I will just buy things for the heck of it. Now, I realize the importance in saving some of the money every time I get some and it has really paid off. No pun intended.

12. Don't be so uptight about everything

What I don't understand now is how some people can be so uptight about everything and not have any fun. I can understand wanting to play by the rules and not get into any trouble, but life is so much more fun when you are willing to take a few risks. Cliche, but when you look back on life, you'll regret the things you didn't more than the things you did do.

13. Get out of your comfort zone

It is said that "You will never see a change in your life until you step out of your comfort zone." This is extremely true. If you stay in your comfort zone your entire life, you aren't forcing yourself into situations that make you uncomfortable in which you can adapt to. Giving yourself that extra push will help you realize more about yourself and also open many doors that you would have never come across had you stayed in your comfort zone.

14. Someone else's beauty is NOT the absence of your own

It is so easy for us to compare ourselves to others. Especially when it comes to what we consider being "outer beauty." When being complimented on your beauty, it is easy to say, "Well thanks, but Allie is prettier." Just because someone else pretty does not mean you aren't. Try not to focus on the world's standards of beauty. Sure, beauty includes outer features but what is more important is what's on the inside.

15. It is COOL to care about things

Nothing bothers me more than when people act like they just don't care. Especially when I know that they do care but they just act like this because they are afraid of showing any feelings for anything. I used to be this kid in middle school. I was too afraid to act like I cared about anything out of fear that someone would make fun of me. Just listen. It is cool to care.

16. Price doesn't always determine value

When I was in middle school, I always wanted to have the top brand of everything. This was simply for the "name brand" itself. I hated going thrifting and hated hand-me-downs. Looking back at it, I am both embarrassed and disappointed in my younger self for having this mindset. Thrifting is great. I have learned that you can still find high-quality items for low prices which couldn't get any better, honestly. Go out. Find a thrift store. You may have to dig and dig until you find something, but when you find some great items, you'll realize it was worth it.

17. ...It IS okay to invest more into solid, staple items

Although I just talked about how great it is to thrift shop, which is still true, it is also important that you know you CAN spend a little extra for solid, staple items. This could be anything from a new backpack to a good bed set. Sure, you can buy a cheaper one for $20, but you may find yourself having to replace it just after a year due to holes or lack of quality. If you invest and spend, let's say $80 on a backpack rather than $20, you may not have to replace this backpack for years which is ultimately saving you money.

18. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. Just know when to share yours

Especially in today's time, it is so easy to share your opinion for anyone and everyone to see. Social media is what adds this beautiful, yet damaging feature to our lives. Don't be afraid to share your opinion. There is no doubt that other's will have differing opinions, but this does NOT mean that you don't have a right to share yours. However, make sure when sharing your opinion, although it can offend people, don't do it with the intentions of hurting someone else. The old saying, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all," is still tried and true today.

19. Sometimes impulse/spur of the moment decisions are the best ones

In life, not all things you do are going to be planned or thought out and that is OKAY. Sure, it is good to put at least some thought into things before you just do them, but when you don't, it is not the end of the world. These decisions can lead to great memories or hilarious stories to tell and laugh about. I have learned that when you stray away from the "schedule" of life, it can turn out to be even better than anything you could have planned.

20. Treat Yo Self

If you are a fan of Parks and Recreation, you know exactly what I mean. And pretty much if you can read, you also know what I mean since I pretty much mean what I stated. In all seriousness, though, treat yourself. This is definitely crucial to remember if you have had a bad day or are getting stressed. Nothing bad has ever come from doing something for you for once. Don't question if you deserve it or not. You deserve it. You can always afford to take time for yourself.

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