If you are reading this, you are probably going to GCU this fall. If you're not, you should be.
Grand Canyon University is an amazing Christian University in Phoenix, Arizona. There are so many things to study and activities to get involved in. I hope you are as excited as I was to be joining such an amazing community!
Following are some things that you incoming freshmen will inevitably find yourself saying at some point your first few weeks in lope country...
1. "I should get a longboard."
Longboards are everywhere at GCU. They are the best way of getting around campus and you should definitely invest in one!2. "Why is there so much construction?"
The construction rarely ends here. You'll get used to the sounds of power tools at 7 AM soon enough.3. "I’m going to Chick-fil-a."
Me too! The Chick-fil-a at GCU is very popular. You will always be headed there.4. An 8:30 AM class isn’t that early
Ha ha ha. You are in for a rude awakening (literally). Somehow waking up for an 8:30 class in high school is a lot easier than in college. Watch out.5. When’s the next basketball game?
GCU basketball games are so much fun! Lopes up!6. I’m out of toilet paper
If you aren't careful, you and your roommate will run out of TP fast. Nothing's worse than being out of toilet paper when no one's home.7. Mom, I miss you
It's ok to miss your mom. Everyone does. Call her! But don't forget to have fun with your friends too!8. We should buy a vacuum
9. Are the upstairs neighbors bowling?
So loud. I don't know what upstairs neighbors do, but it sure is loud. All the time.10. Speaking of bowling, let’s go!
Thunderground is awesome! It's a great place to hang out with friends on campus.11. Why are all my Spanish classes in the Engineering building?
Yeah... The building names are rather misleading. Stick to the maps and you'll be fine!12. I lost my GCBC punch card…
As often as you may go to GCBC, you will probably lose the punch card within a week... It's ok, though. They will always give you a new one.13. I’ve gone to Qdoba every day this week
No shame. Qdoba is amazing and delicious and has free guac. Always a good choice.14. What do you mean there are group projects in college?
Yeah... Unfortunately, group projects are not just for high schoolers. You will also have them. I'm sorry.15. Is that Thunder?
Probably. Thunder not only shows up at special events, but he is known to longboard around campus visiting lucky students such as yourselves.
16. I should get a hammock
17. Let’s go to the pool!
18. Why can’t I get a job?
Although everyone tells you that there are a lot of student worker jobs available on campus, it is a lot harder to get hired than you would think. Don't feel bad. Just keep trying.19. Free food? I’ll be there!
20. Lopes up!
This will become your motto for life. When everything is looking down, lope up!