Oh, those were time times. The never-ending pile of readings, the artsy-fartsy TA's you’ve encountered, the gross sight of Bluebooks that triggers anxiety from the midterms and finals, the quarter where we watched movies. Although I am not one anymore, I have this urge to just highlight the year-long struggles I believe we have encountered over the course of their time as a HumCore student. Honestly, the struggles and the feels of this class are not stressed out enough, and it’s about time to spotlight the life of a HumCore student. Past and present students, this is for you.
1. First week of fall quarter, Humcore got you skimming through "The Illiad" like...
My brain never had suffered so much pain from reading so many words in a short period of time.
2. Having to buy the $80 book set with the CDs that you will never use...
All that food money down the drain. Yay for higher education.
3. When your discussion leader goes on a philosophical tangent on humanity and war for 90% of class and you pretend you retained all of that deep and intangible confusion.
What? No, I was not staring into space, contemplating on the events that led me to taking this year-long course.
4. Missing one day of readings and feeling like…
True words from our favorite TV student. How does one function daily after all of that reading?
The number of times I have heard the term "human agency" in class got me psychologically affected. Even now I receive this Pavlovian response to internally cringe every time I hear that word.
6. When you have five minutes left on the clock, and you barely started on the long essay part of the midterm, because you were elaborating on the "short" answer questions.
Those were literally seven whole essays question we had to do in 50 minutes.
7. Actually taking notes during the "Mother Courage" section because Meryl Streep
Because she is phenomenal as Mother Courage, but of course, Meryl Streep is Queen so this behavior is expected.
8. The struggle is real when the prompt of the essay is released and it's the most vague descriptive prompt in the face of man
If I can't even understand what the prompt is asking, how am I actually supposed to write the essay? I guess I'll throw in the word "agency" once in a while to sound like I know what I'm talking about.
9. That one lecturer that could not speak up during the Machiavelli unit. You know who I’m talking about...
This dude did not understand the concept of a microphone. Seriously.
10. When it’s your turn to present in front of the class and you haven’t done any of the readings
Worse comes to worse, sometimes you just have to improv your way through, a true philosophy for anything in college.
11. The Blogposts, enough Said.
As interesting as Tumblr blogs are, the HumCore ones are just another thing on our long list of things to do, and they are straight-up annoying.
12. Feeling like there is no justice in the world because of HumCore
There are an endless amount of horror that pop culture, academic essays, and even a TV pilot highlights that you are just done having faith in the world's happily ever after.
13. Awkwardly sitting in your group during the group activity, hoping that they did the reading
I mean, it would be nice if the discussion leader thinks that we are doing our readings and receiving full participation credit. Just saying.
14. When the reading material or the required movies seriously freaks you out because the social issues addressed in class actually happens in real life and now you’re paranoid about life
Like they teach us about the ethics of torture, the focus of racism during the Antebellum and Civil War Eras, possibilities of conspiracy within our government, paralleling worldly problems to World War Z, and the unjust military jurisdiction system. Come on, if that doesn't cause any anxiety for you, then what does? Nope, never mind, I do not want to know.
15. You actually want to watch the rest of "Homeland" but don't have time because of HumCore.
Like, you find something that intrigues you in class, but you don't have time to pursue it because of that very class.
16. When you have a meeting with your discussion leader about your paper and you have nothing because you literally have nothing.
Well yeah, the prompt is almost incomprehensible on a meta level. Help, please!
17. By spring quarter: wait, there's still reading?
Those still exist? We had two quarters' worth of readings that was enough for five humanities majors. Can we just watch movies? Do we have to read as well?
18. The night before that 12-page final paper is due
You thought you had it. All of it, even the primary and secondary sources were there. You had everything- except a thesis.
19. Knocking off 7 GE's off like a boss
Lower division writing? Arts and Humanities? What GE? Oh yeah, Humcore did all of that for me. I'm good.
20. Selling all of your HumCore books the suckers that are taking it in the last year of the HumCore 4 year thematic cycle. Sorry freshies.
Making some money and simultaneously ridding the stacks and stacks of HumCore books are the epitome of sweet liberation.
Although some of these can apply to college alone, I bet it was pleasant to see all of your HumCore accomplishments in a gif-filled article.