20 Everyday Resolutions To Make 2017 Your Best Year
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20 Everyday Resolutions To Make 2017 Your Best Year

A new year calls for some positive changes

20 Everyday Resolutions To Make 2017 Your Best Year
ABC News

A new year doesn't have to mean a new you. Sometimes all that one needs is a little tweaking here and there. Here are some small everyday changes that can help you to make 2017 your best year yet!

1. Join the Art Therapy trend

Coloring is not just for kids anymore, but instead has turned into the perfect way to help adults distress and have some fun.

2. Find a gym/class you enjoy and stick to it

With so many different types of ways to exercise there is no excuses why 2017 can't be the year you get back in shape and healthier than ever. Look pretty sweating while trying out zumba, kickboxing, or just lifting weights at the gym.

3. Clean out your closet

Deep down you know there are many items you no longer wear that are just hanging around in your closet. Make room for the new year and styles by cleaning out your closet and either donating your clothes or selling them on Poshmark to make some extra cash.

4. Treat yourself to a couple new staple pieces

A new year means new goals and changes.Treat yourself to a couple new gym clothes, work clothes, or a pair of heels that you know are going to benefit you this year. Sometimes we need that extra push.

5. Invest in a planner

No, writing stuff down in the notes section of your phone does not count. Investing in a planner will make your weeks go by smoother and also make you feel like you have your life together at times. Your planner will become your best friend.

6. Redecorate your room

With each year we get both older and wiser so how about changing the duvet cover for a more mature one, or repainting your old vanity to make it brand new again.

7. Sign up to volunteer

Nothing fills up the heart more than donating time to people that need it. Whether it be the soup kitchen, a local hospital, or donating clothes to charities, there are many ways to volunteer and be a better person.

8. Set realistic goals each month

Write down attainable goals you would like to accomplish each month. While meeting your favorite artist might not be one, how about saving a certain amount of money or traveling to a new city for the week?

9. Go out more

Stop staying in when people invite you to go out. Time will pass you by and you will get older and regret the days you could have spent exploring and hanging out.

10. Say yes more, but also know when to say no

Don't miss out on opportunities, but also know your limits and do not let people take advantage of them.

11. Make one day a week all about you

Self love is important and can increase happiness and value. Taking one day or a couple hours to do something that makes you happy such as seeing a movie, reading a book, or getting your hair done will pay off in the end.

12. Stop Netflix binging

We all have wasted hours or even a full day Netflix binging a show and then regretted it when we realized all the time we wasted. Time is money and we can never get it back so spend it well. Your favorite show will always be there but time flies so be productive instead.

13. Make breakfast a priority

The most important meal of the day should not be missed. Wake up a little earlier so you have time to cook up a healthy, filling meal before work or meal prep some overnight oats or fruit to take with you if you are on the go. Stop skipping breakfast and settling for a granola bar.

14. Invest in a Keruig and meal prepping

Paying $2-$4 for your favorite coffee beverage every week begins to add up. Paying $8-$20 a week for lunch every week also begins to add up. Making your favorite beverages at home to take with you in a cute thermal will pay off. So will packing your own lunch, as your wallet and waist line will thank you. Healthy is homemade.

15. Save your coins

There is no shame in saving your coins weather it be in a jar, piggy bank, or in a coin sack. When you are ready to cash them in on a rainy day you will be thankful you decided to start saving your coins.

16. Try something outside of your comfort zone

While this may be joining a new club, trying a new type of food, traveling more, getting to know different people, or wearing a shirt you never would see yourself in, learn to embrace change and difference.

17. Stop wasting time on social media

Put your phone down and learn to live in the moment. Take a social media cleanse or more realistically limit yourself to social media scrolling only for a few minutes as opposed to hours wasted.

18. Buy yourself cute intimates

Stop wearing an oversized t-shirt to bed and invest in a cute pj set that will make you feel good when you are going to bed. Stop wearing underwear that doesn't fit and buy some that make you feel happy and look good. Go and get a bra fitting to ensure the bra you are wearing actually fits, you will thank me later.

19. Learn ways to cope with stress

Everyone has different mechanisms to cope with stress and some handle it better than others. Learn the ways that work best for you and stick to it. Do not let stress get the best side of you.

20. Learn to give yourself credit

At times we forget all that we do and how much we have accomplished. Take a few minutes each day to reflect how far you have come and learn to value yourself a little more each day. Remember that you allow others to treat you the way that you see acceptable, so the more you value yourself the less room people have to treat you wrong.

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