The end of the school year is the most stressful time of the year. Papers are due, last minute tests are taken, presentations are done; by the time finals are thrown into the mix it's almost impossible to try to stay afloat in all of the madness. It's easy to get burnt-out, short tempered, and lose faith in the end goal. It's easy to give up. It's easy to feel weak. It's easy to breakdown and complain. It's easy to lose that vision of what you see yourself becoming, and it's easy to forget that we're not going through it all alone. Sometimes we need a little reminder to help us get through that rough patch. A reminder that even if it seems like nothing is going as planned and there is no end in sight, that there's a bigger picture to it all; that God has our back even when we can't see it or feel it. So next time you're feeling down, alone, or want to give up, take a look at these verses and remember who always has your back and your best interest at heart. Because once you realize that, it's a whole lot easier to buckle down and be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.
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20 Bible Verses For The College Student Trying To Get Through Finals
You can do this; remember your worth.

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10 Reasons Why Life Is Better In The Summertime
Winter blues got you down? Summer is just around the corner!
Every kid in college and/or high school dreams of summer the moment they walk through the door on the first day back in September. It becomes harder and harder to focus in classes and while doing assignments as the days get closer. The winter has been lagging, the days are short and dark, and no one is quite themselves due to lack of energy and sunlight. Let's face it: life is ten times better in the summertime.
1. No school = no stress.
There are no essays to write, no books to read, and no deadlines to meet. The only worry in the world is keeping track of putting sunblock on.
2. Country music is more fun to listen to.
All true fans will listen to country music 365 days a year, but we all know that it's so much better in the summer when you can roll down the windows.
3. Your skin looks and feels better.
Even if you don't have the type of skin that tans, there is more color there than in the winter ... maybe. Freckles, tan lines, peeling burns and clear skin make for a happier camper. You'll forget all about the ghost version of yourself that was shedding dry skin like a snake over the winter.
4. Being barefoot 24/7 is an option.
Obviously wearing no shoes in the middle of a blizzard isn't acceptable. You know what is, though? Wearing no shoes in the summer ever because why not?
5. Ice cream is an acceptable snack.
For people like me who can't resist ice cream even on a 10 degree day, summer is a giant ice cream blessing. Not only does it taste like heaven, it's actually refreshing.
6. Minimal clothing is required.
Is there anything worse than having to put on layers in the wintertime only to sweat to death the minute you come back inside? No need for more than a tank top and shorts in the summertime.
7. Going to the beach daily isn't weird.
Now that it's hot, it's beach season. If you live near the ocean there is an excuse to drive there day or night, rain or shine. Staying there all day is an option for those who don't burn, and for those who do, you can always come back at night for a bonfire.
8. Cookouts.
Even when they lead to disaster, summertime cookouts are the best. Nothing completes a cookout more than watermelon and corn on the cob.
9. Night swimming.
Oh the thrill of jumping in freezing cold water in the middle of the night. Good thing the air becomes colder than the water, making the pool like a giant bathtub.
10. Spontaneous adventures.
Summertime gives you the freedom to wake up in the morning and decide to do something totally out of the blue that you've never done before. Hiking to a waterfall, rock climbing, going to a museum, or even road tripping are all great summer options.
Even if the heat isn't really your thing, it's undeniable to admit that life really is better in the summer. There's so much more free time, opportunity, excitement and sunshine. Only four months to go!
10 Things That Describe You and Your College Friends
The craziest, funniest, and most unforgettable college memories are impossible to create without an amazing group of friends.
1. You'll never run out of clothes when you have at least four closets to choose from.
2. You embrace and encourage each other’s horrible, yet remarkable dance moves.
3. You never turn down an opportunity for a cheat day or especially free food.
4. You keep each other’s priorities in check.
5. There is nothing but honest advice, multiple venting sessions, and absolutely no judgements.
6. You have too many pictures with each other in the same exact pose.
7. You don't just mess with one of us, you mess with all of us.
8. You know just how to get the party started.
9. You know what they say… “Good friends don't let you do stupid things alone."
10. You’ll always there for each other no matter what happens.
I'll admit it, I have a condition called RBF or, if you will, Resting Bitch Face.
Anna Kendrick, poor Kristen Stewart, the Queen of England are all life-long sufferers of RBF. Victoria Beckham even made a career out of it! And though it's usually used to describe women, some men are also afflicted. Kanye West is the best example of this.
But what is RBF? It's the slightly annoyed, slightly bored look some people happen to have on their face whenever it's not in motion. The phenomenon has been taking the internet by storm since the mock-PSA titled Bitchy Resting Face so scientist decided to find out the cause of RBF.
Jason Rogers and Abbe Macbeth are behavioral researchers at Noldus Information Technology. Sounds impressive. They used a machine to examine and catalogue 10,000 images of the human face in hopes to find the cause of RBF. After studying photos of truly expressionless faces, the computer spits out data stating there was 97 percent neutrality and 3 percent emotion. Then, they plugged in faces of celebs infamous for their RBF. The computer analyzed the photos and determined there was only 6 percent of emotion in their resting faces for both males and females. With the software being unable to pick out gender, their conclusion was that the issue with RBF is a distinctly female problem due to social norms.
As a woman, I find this particularly troubling. Why? Because thanks to my RBF, I get asked annoying question day in and day out about my emotional state when, to be quite honest, I'm perfectly fine.
Do you think you have RBF? Below are some signs you just might be one of the afflicted.
1. Strangers have told you "Smile!" on regular occasions
2. The first thing people say to you is "Are you okay?"
3. Dates have texted you asking if they bored you
4. Or, they tell you they don't want to go out again because you didn't seem interested
5. People question your level of comfort in any given situation
6. Friends have said, "When I first met you, I thought you didn't like me." and were totally serious about it
7. Jokes don't land well because people can't tell if you're serious or not
8. You've been told customer service isn't for you because you never smile
9. In fact, in your yearly review, your manager always writes to smile more under "room for improvement"
10. You hate when people have their cameras out taking candids
11. Even when you smile for a photograph it looks like either A) you're trying too hard or B) you're the Mona Lisa
12. Things can even get a little awkward when you smile
13. You regularly are told "I'm never sure how you feel about things"
14. You've scared strangers on the train/bus/sidewalk with your death glares-- even though they're unintentional and you're not really looking at them
15. Christmas and birthdays are hard because you have to figure out how to look like you're pleased with all your gifts even when you are
16. People frequently tell you you're intimidating
17. Friends stop inviting you to things because they think you don't like going
18. Your parents have RBF (it's definitely genetic. Thanks, Mom).
Obviously, it's not ideal to have RBF. But you've only got one face so own that frown. And to all the Emily Gilmores, Rhiannas, Kanyes and more — keep doing your thing.
Everyone loves a snow day! Whether you decide to call out sick from work or your classes get canceled, it is a great way to spend time with family and friends.
1. Build a snowman
People brave enough to face the weather can go outside to build an adorable man made of snow. Relive those childhood glory days, but remember to bundle up!
2. Start a snowball fight
No one can forget the days of throwing snowballs and shade in the school yard. Can we just take a minute to appreciate how epic this scene from "Elf" is? Totally epic.
3. Build a fort
All snowball fights need a good base. Not in the mood for battling to the death in an ultimate snowball fight? Just grab your friends and chill inside your new hangout spot, at least until it melts.
4. Binge-watch Netflix
Some people can't stand the cold and would much rather catch up on their favorite shows. On snow days this is considered perfectly acceptable. On other days? Maybe not so much...but that doesn't mean I don't occasionally do it, anyway.
4. Look out the window
Admire the beauty of mother-nature from safely inside your own home. Hope your windows are insulated!
5. Grab coffee with a friend
Warm yourself up by grabbing a hot cup of joe with a dear friend. Enjoy mindless chatter about winter fashion trends or complain about the homework you've been procrastinating.
6. Complete school or office work
Snow days are the perfect time to compose that essay for school or to do some leisurely shredding at the office. Brent Rambo approves this message.
7. Sleep
This time of year sleep deprivation is common. Do yourself a favor and catch some well-deserved Z's!
8. Read a book
Feel like laying low but don't actually want to sleep? Curl up with a good book for a few hours. If you're lucky, you might even be able to forget that it's snowing outside.
9. Bake cookies
Nothing better than filling your home with the aroma of freshly baked cookies. Try to space out your cookies better than the above image, though...
10. Drink hot cocoa
Grab a packet of Swiss Miss or dare to make it from scratch! Cookies and hot cocoa pair nicely together on colder days when milk seems insufficient.
11. Go ice skating
Or ice falling, for those of us who have balance and coordination issues. Maybe bring a friend along with you and use them to cushion your fall.
12. Take a Walk
Wear winter boots or make sure the sidewalks are salted so you don't end up taking a tumble. Feeling audacious? Bring your own salt!
Anticipating The End Of Your First Semester, As Told By April Ludgate
"I don't want to do things. I want to not do things."
Everyone who is in college right now, or has ever been, knows the struggle of pulling in the strings at the last second. It seems impossible, and you have to do a LOT of things in order to assure your future for the next semester.
April Ludgate, historically, is a very annoyed person, and she doesn't hide it. Of all the times that I binged and re-binged "Parks and Rec," her attitude relates more and more to me.