19 Things I Have Learned By The Age Of 19
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19 Things I Have Learned By The Age Of 19

Life is all about living and learning.

19 Things I Have Learned By The Age Of 19
Green Cover Seed

Through the various ups and downs that life may bring, I have accepted the fact that not everything will be easy. I certainly have learned an abundance of life lessons over my 19 years, and I know that there are plenty more to come in my future.

1. Smiling is a universal language.

Smiling is the most universal facial expression, and it is such a special interaction among the world’s population. This simple gesture requires approximately 17 muscles, much less than a frown. Exchanging a smile doesn’t require speech, hand gestures or anything else other than your facial expression. It is quite tragic to know that people are struggling day after day, fighting their own battles. It is not fair to anyone to be unhappy, so how can we change this? Perhaps we shall carry ourselves in a more positive manner, and radiate optimism. The next time we are out and about, we should exchange more smiles. One smile has the power to alter not only your mood but someone else’s too. You never know what others are dealing with, so be kind, share your charisma, and make someone’s day a little bit brighter by smiling.

2. Laughter is the best medicine.

No matter what you are laughing at, make sure you laugh loud and proud. Laughter has proven to decrease stress levels, and increase the release of endorphins, which trigger the “feel good sensation.” I laugh often, sometimes way too much. There is no better feeling than laughing with someone, creating that bond over something hysterical. Embrace the moment, and remember this laughter forever.

3. Think

It is important to think, often and hard. Thinking is the component that often clashes with feelings. A lot of times, I catch myself wondering if I should listen to my mind or follow my heart. More often than not, I tend to listen to my thoughts because they are often not only the best for me, but for others, too. Strategizing and logically knowing what the most beneficial thing to do in every situation is essential. However, there are times in which thinking can almost be detrimental. Endless thoughts can lead to stress and anxiety, often leading to the over-analyzing everything that happens in life. Every once in awhile, you need to take a break and clear your mind. You should destress and empty your thoughts. As I once wrote, here is a take away: “My mind is blank, just like a canvas without the paint. An empty space, with plenty of room to fill. There are no thoughts worth streaming, no questions worth pondering, and no words worth saying. I long for a spark, a stimulation that can generate a multitude of abstractions. To think, to feel, to perceive, and to judge are what I desire. As I take a moment to reflect by looking at my surroundings, my eyes flutter in awe of the beautiful sunset. Bursting with colors, the sky is complementary to a water-colored painting. Each stroke and hue is delicately placed. So vibrant and warm, my thoughts begin to swarm. Thinking about this, wondering about that, I let my mind take control. As my speculations are scurrying, I allow myself to get lost. Whatever is going on inside my head, all I can apprehend is that it is quite radiant. Similar to the sunset, my mind is a canvas, and that canvas is now my masterpiece.”

4. Read and write more often.

Plain and simple, reading and writing are great. Reading a novel draws you into the story, so much to the point that you feel that you are right along the side of the protagonist. Immersing yourself into the ink on the pages allows for you to create vivid images in your mind while interacting with your imagination. Writing unleashes all of the words you are too afraid to say out loud. You can spill all of your thoughts out and create a variety of pieces that represent yourself. Through reading and writing, you have the ability to discover a new side to yourself that you may not have known existed.

5. Stray away from your comfort zone.

Do you ever think about your past? I know I think about mine quite often, actually. Astonishingly enough, it is interesting to ponder how the slightest of decisions all work together, cohesively, to establish our identities. Each word spoken, each question asked, each action committed, and each idea thought all possess the capabilities to shape our futures. Taking a risk is the most spontaneous endeavor we can devote ourselves to. It is also the most efficient way to provide closure for that lingering question, “What if?”. We often question ourselves on whether or not we are making appropriate life decisions. We should make more bold decisions and stray away from our comfort zones. When we encounter a scenario with a difficult choice, we are told to follow our hearts. But what if our minds are contradicting our hearts? What should we do? I am not quite sure, as it varies from person to person, but I suppose it will all make sense someday.

6. Simplicity is key.

Simplicity is key. The best things life has to offer are not complex or intricate, but rather, they allow us to recognize how wonderful life truly is. The smell of freshly brewed coffee, the pitter-patter of raindrops on a window pane, or the luxurious comfort of a fuzzy blanket on a crisp winter evening are all meaningful. Perhaps these blissful encounters are a few, among the many, reasons why we continue our daily routines with a smile across our faces and warmth in our hearts.

7. You can have more than one soulmate.

I believe that everyone has a soulmate. If you are lucky enough, you might even have more than one of them. There will always be that one person you go on endless amounts of coffee dates with and share the same love for the decorative mugs that the delicious drinks come in. There will always be that one person that has the same taste in music as you do, and every time you hear a catchy song on the radio, it reminds you of them. There will always be that one person you love to go shopping with because regardless of the outfit that you try on, you know they will provide you with their honest opinion. There will always be that one person you spend hours on end having deep heart-to-heart conversations with because you know that they will listen to you, and you will do the same for them. There will always be that one person you simply cannot resist, no matter what bond you share.

8. It is okay to make mistakes.

It is not necessarily a failure if one messes up. Rather, that error might lead to something more significant, as mistakes are known to be the portal of discovery. It is fascinating how one mishap can lead to plenty of new opportunities and answers. Do not be too critical if one makes a mistake because that single fault has the potential to create wonders in the future. Mistakes allow people to find themselves within the process, as life is practically a summary of lessons learned. Just remember to believe in yourself and know that mistakes can make magic happen.

9. Ask questions.

There is no reason to be timid and concerned when it comes to asking questions. Do not be discouraged to raise a question, despite how simple or complex it may be. People love curiosity. No question will ever be a “dumb question,” so do not be ashamed for wanting to learn more.

10. Remember the little things.

The little things in life are simply the best, and sometimes we forget to recognize how lovely they are. It is that refreshing aftertaste of some tasty lemonade on a hot summer day. It is that amazing sigh of relief you feel when you earn an A on an exam that you studied hours on end for, knowing that all of the hard work paid off. It is that feeling of being a little older after you blow out the candles on a birthday cake. It is that feeling of pure joy when you hold a little puppy and it licks you. It is that splendid aroma that fills the air during a cookout or bonfire on a warm summer evening. It is the feeling of bliss from smelling the different flower arrangements at the farmer’s market on a Saturday morning. It is that amount of confidence you feel when you are wearing a new outfit because you know you are going to rock it, and that you can conquer the world. These are the moments we live for, and we should never take these little things for granted.

11. Flaws are actually flawless.

The definition of beauty has been continuously altered over the years, and it is something that should be given more attention and recognition. Every day women and men often feel inadequate and not up-to-par due to the unnecessary physical standards that have been implemented in this generation. Making people feel as if they are not good enough is ultimately one of the worst things someone could do. I want to change that. I want people to feel loved, and then be able to reciprocate that love to others. Someday, I hope to find someone that loves me for who I am and appreciates my quirks. I know that I am not perfect, and I have no desire to be. It is quite difficult to live in a world filled with numerous expectations and standards, especially when that is all we focus on. I know I do not have everything, but I hope that someday, maybe I will cross paths with someone that acknowledges everything I do have to offer. It is not worth the extra effort to stress about all of the things we dislike about ourselves. It has taken me awhile, but I have finally come to terms that I, too, am very critical of myself. We as humans should certainly start focusing on all of the exceptional things and capabilities we have to share with the rest of the world. We need to realize that we are not “flawed” but rather “flawless.” We should realize that although our insecurities may be overpowering, we deserve to be happy and recognize that we are all beautiful, both internally and externally. All of our quirks and flaws are what make us unique, as they set us apart and help establish our individuality. No one else will ever be like me, and I am glad because I am perfectly imperfect.

12. Home can have more than one meaning.

Some people believe that home is a place, while others believe that home is a person. To me, home is a combination of both aspects, resulting in more of the feeling you get when hearing the term “home” aloud. Those feelings of comfort and acceptance are common, primarily because home should be an internal channeling that makes you content. This should be a judge-free zone where you do not have to live in fear of not being good enough. It is possible that some people have more than one home, as there are people that do not have one at all. As long as you are safe, happy, and loved, home can be anything you aspire it to be.

13. Take many photographs.

When we are young, we long for the days in which we become older. As we continue to age, we can only look back on the memories that once were. In the blink of an eye, a moment is gone. That single moment cannot be replaced or replicated. To remember it, we should take a photograph. Actually, we should take many photographs of all of the things that make us happy and feel alive so we can remember them. We can savor those moments captured through the lens and cherish them forever.

14. Listen to what others have to say.

Listening more and speaking less are two attributes that are necessary to develop strong relationships with people. Knowing that you can speak and someone will listen to what you have to say is the most comforting feeling ever, but it is important that you, too, are able to listen to what others have to say. Listening allows you to develop a stronger, more personal connection with someone, and you can learn so much just by the words that flow out of their mouth. As a genuine and curious individual, I once wrote: “I enjoy the little aspects of your personality because they are what set you apart from everyone else. It is fascinating learning about your dreams and desires, and how determined you are to achieve them. I want to know every little quirk about you, as I believe they make you unique. I long to discover what you consider to be your “flaws” because I think that they are wonderful and contribute to your individuality in a positive manner. I would love to learn about what makes you happy, and I would love to learn about what makes you sad. I cannot wait to hear you tell me what you are passionate about. To me, nothing is more intriguing than listening to a person tell you about their passions in life. Your body language will change, your eyes will glisten, and your tone will alter because you are expressing your love for something. Just know that I am here to listen. So what are you waiting for? Tell me about yourself.”

15. Go on adventures.

Trying new things is the key to living a splendid life. Do something spontaneous that will change your life forever. Exploring new places and engaging with their cultures and lifestyles will open many great doors of opportunity for future endeavors. Adventures lead to meeting new people, which result in making new memories. These adventures will last a lifetime, so make sure you wander anywhere you desire.

16. Love with no boundaries.

When it comes to love, just know that I will never settle for less than I deserve. The ideals of love have been altered, practically skewed in the opposite direction than they used to be. Relationships in the past and the types of dates people went on were quite different than what they are in this generation. I often wonder as to why this change has occurred, but I know that it is up to us, individually, to love how we want to love. Break down the barriers and learn to love more. Fall in love with someone's soul, and express your love and gratitude for others while you have the opportunity to do so. Regardless of race, religion, and gender, everyone should feel loved, and be loved in return.

17. Challenge yourself.

You have the power to be something amazing and do great things, but the only way to do that is by challenging yourself. Setting goals and deadlines will start you off on the path to success, but it is up to you to achieve those goals in a timely manner. Having high standards will result in great potential, and I know that everyone has the ability to make their dreams come true as long as they work hard for them. Not everything will be easy, but in the end, everything will be worth it.

18. Music is the best therapy.

It is amazing how there are so many unique genres of music, and within those genres, there is a song that is appropriate for every mood and scenario. As you listen to the music, take everything in. Let the melodies repeat in your head. Let the harmonies give you goosebumps and chills. Let the lyrics speak to you. Let the music take control and guide you through this emotional journey we call life.

19. Be kind to yourself and love yourself.

It is important that you make time for yourself because your happiness deserves to be prioritized. Although this may come across as a little bit selfish, I promise it is not. I acknowledge that it is important to make an effort to spend time with other people, however, make sure to invest time in yourself. Among all of the chaos life can bring, do everything in your power to make sure you are living your life to the fullest. You are entitled to your own happiness, so remember to be kind to yourself.

Life is a wonderful thing, so make sure you live every moment like it is the last.

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