Whether you are a dog owner or hopelessly dogless, you will agree with me that nothing compares to the love you get from dogs. With a wag of their tail and a tilt of their head, almost any dog can melt your heart in an instant. Pretty much everyone is obsessed with dogs. End of story. When you see someone walking their dog, you are probably guilty of attacking them. And that "OMG you are so cute, yes you are, yes you are!" dog voice comes out as you forcefully smother the poor animal. Well, here are some reasons why a dog's love is the best love.
1. From the moment you leave the house, they patiently wait for you by the door.
2. And when you come home, they act like it is the first time they are seeing you in years.
3. They are the perfect snuggle buddies.
4. They let you dress them up in ridiculous dog clothing without question.
5. Their kisses are wet and slobbery, but full of love.
6. When you are sad or stressed, they sit with you until you feel better.
7. That head tilt gets you every time.
8. They lounge with you on lazy days.
9. But go on runs with you when you want to be active.
10. They tuck themselves into bed with you when it is time to sleep.
11. And take all of the covers.
12. But they are the perfect wake-up call at 7 a.m.
13. On the cuteness scale they are a solid 100.
14. You shed a tear when you leave them alone for more than 10 minutes.
15. They follow you everywhere.
16. They add excitement to your life (sometimes a little too much).
17. Their bond with you is unbreakable.
18. They are always there for you when no one else is.
19. They are happy 100 percent of the time.
20. All they want is to be your best friend.