19 Memories From 19 Friends
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19 Memories From 19 Friends

Here are 19 memories from 19 of the closest people to me to commemorate my 19 years of existing!

19 Memories From 19 Friends
Elizabeth Casey

My birthday is coming up and I'm turning the irrelevant 19. So, to try and make this year a little more memorable I decided to take it upon my friends and ask a little request of them. I asked 19 of the closest people to me to tell me their favorite memory they have of us together, whether it be a recent memory or 10 years old. So here are 19 Memories from 19 friends, enjoy!

1.“The time we hiked blue hills and got so lost we asked three separate people for directions then exited the trail 2 miles away from the car.”

This gem comes from my go to, my gal pal, my BFF, my person, Mary Kate. Now you might be thinking, how did two very educated girls get lost in the woods for what felt like an eternity? That’s a great question, I wish I could answer. Here’s a picture of me and MK from this day while we were lost and to make the time pass we had a photo-shoot on this rock.

2. “Fave memory when we got lost on that dark dirt road in Dover because I just drove through like five towns.”

My friend Matt and I are the only two in our friend group who like to go on long drives and just talk and listen to music. On this certain night, we found ourselves in the back roads of a nearby town and the next thing we knew we were on a narrow rickety bridge very confused but mostly amused, love you Matt!!

3.“When we went to laser tag for your birthday and Andrew’s car died so we walked to the Burger King, got food, sat in a frozen car, tried to jump said car, failed, cried, went to Friendly’s, and made me three hours late for work.”

Shoutout to Brian for this lovely memory I can still remember so vividly.


This super specific and descriptive memory comes from none other than my friend Andrew. Although, I do have to give him credit because he did have the funniest, best looking, and all around best date, me!

5.“It’s not very specific but probably working together. I loved coming over to you and telling you all my problems.”

It’s true, I must have talked John through at least two life crises, but if you’re reading this John, I miss working with you too! Also, sorry I couldn’t find a picture of just us.

6.“My favorite memory with you is when Ms. Nelson (our old chorus teacher) told us she was leaving.”

At the time this was happening, Amber and I thought our lives were over. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a human being cry more than that day, but it definitely brought us closer as friends.

7.“I know it’s dumb, but our Friday naps.”

True story, every friday fall semester of freshman year, Olivia would come over at about 10:30am and we would both just nap for a solid 4 or 5 hours. I had never met anyone who loves sleep as much as I do until I met Olivia. Love ya toosh!

8.“Probably the heartbreak kit.”

If you didn’t make your friend a heartbreak kit after a break up, are you really their friend? Good thing I lived with Hannah for nine months and remembered that yellow Gatorade is her fave, also Han, boys are the WORST.

9.“OMG probably the sweater one from economics.”

One day, senior year of high school, Jacobi comes storming into economics very distressed that someone asked him if his Polo shirt was fake (heartbreaking, right?) Jacobi informed the entire class that, and I quote, “nothing on me is fake” to which I replied, “except your personality.” Honestly, probably one of the funniest things I’ve ever said, and everyone in class, including Jacobi, thought so too.

10. “Our mutual sunburns.”

Now this is one I wish I could forget. Last semester my friends and I decided to skip class one day in February and go to the beach and for some reason Julia and I thought we wouldn’t get sunburns while sitting out in the sun for 6 hours. Long story short, our skin was on fire for a week and we now wear sunscreen religiously.

11.“When you were helping me with my Halloween costume and I was laughing so hard.”

For some reason, Sarah and I thought we were secret seamstresses and were 100% capable of making a mermaid skirt from scratch with no sewing materials or anything. I think we went to about nine stores that day and spent about two hours trying to make it work.

12. “Probably when I surprised you at your house.”

Although I don’t remember the exact month this happened, I do remember the moment. I was about to get in the shower when I heard my dogs barking like crazy and I look in my driveway and I saw Nicole’s shining face!!!

13. “I think I’m going to choose the time we first went to see the Nor’easters. It was me, you, Brian, and Amber, and we snuck backstage and heard soundcheck and we were freaking out!”

Joey is one of the funniest people I know and this was one of the funniest and greatest nights and I’m so glad we experienced it together!

14. “Literally my fave is just when we would chill at your house eat a ton of junk food and watch movies and hang with your fam and dogs TBH.”

Tali is the only other person who enjoys doing nothing just as much as I do, and I truly think that is the foundation of our friendship. Love ya, tools!!

15. “The time where I was DROWNING in work before finals and you called me over and said, “do you wanna come get fro-yo with us” and I started balling my eyes out.”

Sometimes, all Marlene needs is a little frozen yogurt pick-me-up, I mean, don’t we all??

16. “The time where you had enough onesies for all three of us to go wait for pizza!”

I’m not going to say I forced Julia and Olivia to put on a onesie and order dominos with me but I’m also not going to say I didn’t.

17. “When we got attacked by yellow jackets.”

I wish this wasn’t true, but unfortunately it is. After moving my sister into her new apartment we were innocently leaving when an entire hive of yellow jackets attacked my sister Brittany and I in her driveway. Now you might think I’m being dramatic when I say an entire hive but I mean an ENTIRE. HIVE.

18.“When we shared a room.”

I’m so glad Nicole, my sister, picked such a specific and memorable moment. I think we shared a room for maybe three months and were only in the room together when we were both asleep, but hey, at least it’s something.

19. “I think my fave one would have to be the one direction concert LOL that was such a good one.”

Honestly nothing says dedicated more than my cousin, Tessa, coming all the way from Georgia for a One Direction concert, I mean we were THIRD ROW!!! Can you blame us??

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