18 Things I Wish I Knew Before Turning 18
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18 Things I Wish I Knew Before Turning 18

Being a teenager is hard, and so are the lessons you learn

18 Things I Wish I Knew Before Turning 18

Being a teenager is weird thing. You hear things left and right about what you should and should not be. You spend high school trying to find out who you are personally and who you want to be. It's complicated, exciting and confusing. If you're not sure if your on the right path don't worry, we've all been there. Here are some of the things I found I had learned but wished I already knew before turning eighteen.

1. Find your passion

High school offers so many opportunities for you to find what you love. Whether it's sport related or academic. Or maybe it's something that's outside of school. No how you find it, it's easier to find your passion before you start the next chapter of your life.

2. It’s okay to change your mind

Don't listen to what other people might tell you, it's one hundred percent completely okay to change your mind again and again. I've done I don't how many times I'm sure to do it again. This doesn't mean you're indecisive. If any it shows that your growing up and that your interests are changing as well.

3. Don't get caught up in drama

A best piece of advice that someone told was that if it doesn't involve you, don't get involved with it. Life is too short to be constantly living in the "she said he said" state. Drama is hard to avoid in high school, but don't let it become your life. If you find that you just can't catch a break, step back and ask yourself why.

4. Your family always has your back

Seriously they do. No matter how many times you ran off and slammed your down, they're still going to support you and want the best for you. Don't take them for granted. Make sure you spend time with your parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings, etc while your still at home.

5. Some people won't always be there

It's a sad truth that you learn in high school. As you grow up you might find yourself growing apart from others. Of course there's nothing wrong with that. And maybe it's not something so drastic where you might stop talking to each other altogether. You might just not hang out as often as you did before.

6. Accept failure

You're going fail before you succeed. Don't be afraid of failing, you learn the best lessons from your mistakes. Everyone fails at something at point in time so don't let it go to your head thinking that you're the only one it happens to. Accepting your faults shows that you aren't scared to let others know you may struggle at times.

7. Your past doesn't define you

You aren't that five year old that needed to sleep with a teddy bear anymore. So why let something that happened when you were twelve effect how you should let other view you. Who you were ten, five or even two years ago is not who you are right now. Stop letting your past make decisions for you, you aren't that person anymore.

8. Think for yourself

Develop your own opinions and beliefs about certain things. Sure it's nice to have the same values as your friend's and family, but don't feel like you are obligated to have the same values just because they are your friends or family. Having your own set of opinions is what makes you unique.

9. Nothing is permanent

High school only last four years. College could be anywhere from two years to even eight or more depending on your major and what you want to do after school. Everything has an end. Endings don't always have to be sad, sometimes they can be a good thing. When one chapter ends other starts. Even though you may be going through something at the moment, it's going to end and there's going to be something better.

10. Don’t be afraid to try new things

I'm the type of person that wants to try everything I can. From skydiving to scuba diving to learning a new language. The world is full of different things to try. When your giving an opportunity take it because you might regret saying no.

11. Don't procrastinate

Learn to manage your time while you can. That way you have a habit of writing down what to do and any important dates before your schedule becomes to crazy.

12. Trust yourself

Don't second guess your choices. Be confident enough with yourself to trust what your gut is telling you do to. Doing this helps you become more independent.

13. Visit your grandparents

If you're lucky enough to have both sets of grandparents alive by the time you graduate high school. Make sure you visit them because they aren't going to be around forever.

14. Being alone isn’t the worst thing in the world

You can learn a lot from being by yourself and it's not as bad as it may sound. Being by yourself can teach you how to take of yourself without the help of others. You can learn a lot about yourself from seeing how you function on your own.

15. You might be an adult now, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop acting like a kid

Don't worry you still can go to Chili's and order off the kids menu after you vote. You can still be careless at times and maybe not make the best decisions. It's okay, you're still allowed to be a kid. You might not be able to go in the ball pit anymore, but you can sit at the adult table during the holidays.

16. You can’t live off junk food forever

Yes gummy bears and ice cream are delicious, but you can't eat that 24/7. Eventually your metabolism will slow and you want be able to eat cinnamon rolls for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I'm saying you should start eating kale salads but throwing in more fruits and veggies to your diet never hurt anyone.

17. You can’t make people like you

Some personalities just don't work well with each other. It's nothing you can fix, but something you'll have to learn to accept. No matter how hard you try you can't force your friendship onto someone. All you can do is be the best the person you can be and everything else will fall into place.

18. Time goes by to fast.

You don't realize it until it's four months before you graduate and you've signed your letter of intent with your future college. Don't waste time by wishing it would go by faster. Spend time with your friends and family and make memories.

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