Remember in fourth grade when you didn't want to hang out with your mom? Or remember in middle school when you gagged at the thought of one day turning into her? I do, and not a day goes by where I wish I could transport myself back to 2010 and tell the younger version of me to stop being so naive. It took me long enough to learn about why my mom is the best and even longer to admit that she is my best friend. Here are some of the reasons why my mom will always be my number one:
1. She knows my favorite food
And when I come home it is always sitting in the pantry waiting for me.
2. She laughs when I embarrass myself
Which happens quite often and she gets some sick, twisted pleasure out of it...
3. She is actually cooler than me
And she doesn't let me forget it either.
4. Definitely hotter than me, too
I can't tell you how many times people thought we were sisters and then proceeded to hit on her.
5. My mom has the answers to all my questions
And usually, the answers are accompanied with some great advice.
6. Her love for me is unconditional
Somehow, no matter how much I mess up, her love for me continues to grow.
7. She will sit on the couch with me and binge watch Netflix
Blinds are closed, pj's are on, and big bowls of cereal (probably cocoa pebbles) are sitting in our laps.
8. She always picks up the phone when I need her
It could be 3 in the morning and I am crying, but she will listen... Or at least act like she is listening, which is all I could ever ask for.
9. She never lets me give up or give in
Sometimes, my mom has more faith in me than I have in myself. Her desire for me to succeed fuels my desire to succeed.
10. We understand each other
It's like we have our own language, and sometimes we don't even have to use words to communicate to know what the other is thinking.
11. She laughs at all my jokes, even the bad ones
I just think she feels sorry for me.
12. She is always 110% honest with me
This relationship is a completely honest and open one. It's probably the most honest relationship I have.
13. She can read my mind
It's as if we are related or something.
14. She stayed with me through the awkward middle school phase
Should she have prevented me from buying the awful colored skinny jeans and Aeropostale t-shirts? Yes. But did she ever turn her back on me because I wore them? No.
15. She is my biggest supporter
I couldn't calculate the amount of sacrifices she made just to come and support me at any of my events.
16. Her hugs are the best
They make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
17. Because I am becoming more like her every day, and I am excited about that
My mom is a pretty rockin' chick. I've learned so much from her. Not a day goes by that I don't think about her. My mom the reason why I am so successful --thank you.