The 16 Types of Snapchats
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The 16 Types of Snapchats

How basic can we get?

The 16 Types of Snapchats

With the invention of SnapChat, we finally have a place to bring out our inner weirdos, and our capability to have the ugliest and most hideous selfies, that are so unattractive, you wonder if anyone should ever see that face (and how you're capable of making it in the first place). No matter how cool we appear to be on Facebook and Instagram, we actually reveal our true selves on Snapchat. Of course, if there's a truly epic Snap, there is always a possible chance for a blackmail screenshot, but for the most part,the images are deleted after a few seconds. Phew.

As Snapchat has grown as an app, there have been more and more different “types" available to us. Let me count the ways…

1. The Artist Snap.

Snapchat's nifty drawing option, brings a new creative dimension to the app. But you can't help but wonder how much spare time someone must have in order to create such a masterpiece, only for it to last for a mere 10 seconds.

2. The Sunset Snap.

Commonly making people turn their camera the other way, and by then the pic is gone already. It makes for a great Snap Story option, though.

3. The Letting People Know What You Are Doing Later Snap.

That contact who is always sending snaps about "a crazy night". PSA: Sticking your tongue out isn't cute, my friends.

4. The Food Snap.

Too often, Snapchat is used to flaunt food. The delicious-looking meal that someone else is about to eat, is never something that one wants to see, yet many users feel the need to send these food snaps out, three or more times a day.

5. The "I'm Bored" Snap- also mischievously putting the caption to hide your Double Chin.

Sending out an "I'm Bored" snap just shows how much of a loner you are, that you have to beg people to send you ugly faces for three seconds, to entertain you. This is almost as lame as "Truth Is" on Facebook.

6. The Feet at The Pool Snap: "Hot Dogs Or Legs".

The classic holiday Snapchat, which only serves to incite jealousy in all recipients who are not also in some sunny destination. And including the tanned feet is always a must, just to emphasize that it's real, and to rub it in that little bit more.


7. The After The Screenshot Snap.

Ah yes the, wonderful feature of Snapchat notifying you when someone takes a screenshot. Be prepared to be blackmailed in the near future!

8. The Weather Snap.

Because who wouldn't want to know your current climate?

9. The "I Look Too Ugly to Show My Face" Snap.

This is usually sent to someone you aren't close enough with to show your natural beauty. Or you've just run out of things in your living room to take pictures of. Or you're just that lazy, that you don't want to turn the lights on…

10. The Drunk Snap.

This is usually received on a Friday or Saturday night, from a clearly highly intoxicated individual, who probably won't remember sending it, and would probably rather not be reminded of it.

11. The Pet Snap.

An attempt at cute, but nothing can take away from the petrified expression on the pet's face, having just been swept off their paws and forced in front of the camera lens.

(Sorry Snickers, I do this to you ALL the time)

12. The Really Ugly Snap.

When a 'funny face' just goes that little bit too far, resulting in recipients never being able to look at the person in the same way again, and usually a screen shot takes place as a result. #Blackmail

13. The Run Out of Space Snap Forcing you to Write the Rest of Your Caption...

The only thing that Snap Chat hasn't updated. Obviously 35 characters is never enough.

14. The Terrible Quality of the Night Flash Snap.

I guess having pixels all over your face is the new trend. And if you try flipping your phone the other way, prepared to be blinded by the flash.

15. The Snap- Chat?

When Snapchat becomes less of a means for exchanging photos, and more a mode of conversation with the caption, it is questionable as to whether it is really necessary. Won't texting do?

16. The Snap with a Stranger.

Some take it that little bit too far regarding the involvement of strangers. If the photographed victim only knew, the user would probably end up in court....

Tips to always remember:

1. Never put up a SnapChat Story that's over 50 seconds

2. It is all about the positioning and effect of the photo

3. Keep your best friends limited to 4

4. Happy Snapping!

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