15 Things Trump Will Do After His Inauguration And Why You Should Be Scared
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15 Things Trump Will Do After His Inauguration And Why You Should Be Scared

President Trump has so many things planned for his first 100 days in office. Some of them have potential, but others? Not so much.

15 Things Trump Will Do After His Inauguration And Why You Should Be Scared

Well, today is the day that a lot of people were looking forward to (or dreading): Donald J. Trump has sworn in and is officially the 45th President of the United States. Who would've thought the business mogul from New York would take over our country as Commander-in-Chief? President Trump has so many things planned for his first 100 days in office. Some of his promises have potential; others...not so much. Here are 15 promises Trump has made and why you should fear each one:

1. "Bind the wounds of division"

This was Trump's first goal when it was announced he won the election. He wants everyone to "work together and begin the urgent task of rebuilding a new nation and renewing the American Dream." You should be scared because with all the protests and disagreements going around, there is bound to be a second civil war. Since Trump became President, there has been more dividing than uniting.

2. From repealing Obamacare to saying "insurance for all"

As of this week, Obamacare has officially been repealled. There's no turning back. He promises "insurance for all." I would be very concerned about this, especially if you are on Obamacare. Just because he said that does not guarantee you'll receive insurance or get the same benefits as Obamacare.

3. Eliminating the National Endowment for the Arts

This one makes me really, really mad! As a musician I am very upset to see an amazing goverment-funded agency suddenly end. The NEA provides funding and grants to artists and establishments like museums and theatres. Be scared of this! Because all that money will go to waste on unwanted needs. It's bad enough that some schools lack fine arts (music, theatre, art), but this? I'm scared to be honest.

4. Appointing Betsy DeVos to be in charge of Education

If you want a good education in high school or college...good luck. This woman has no training or experience in education. None. She wants to privatize public schools because she claims "they don't provide better education." For someone who went to public school from pre-K to senior year of high school, I got the best education from amazing teachers. You should be scared because it might be your school that could get affected by this.

5. He'll be on Twitter more than ever

Oh boy! Just when you think his tweeting stops after Inauguration. This is only the beginning. I would be afraid because this is his personal account and he will bash people left and right.

6. "The Wall"

Remember the famous "wall?" Trump does! Not only does he wanna eliminate over 2 million illegal immigrants, but he wants to build a wall to prevent immigrants from entering...and expects Mexico to pay for it!! You should be scared because border controls are the last things we need right now. Plus, immigrants who have jobs get paid, and no work means less money.

7. Eliminate Violence Against Women Programs

Women, BE SCARED! If you are a victim of domestic violence, you may no longer have protection. This is bad! Women are deemed helpless when events like abuse occurs and they need proper treatment and care. Not according to Trump.

8. No more gun-free zones

From schools to corporate buildings, no one is safe anymore. Not only should you be scared, but I would purchase a bullet-proof vest. That's right, no more gun-free zones, meaning people can bring guns wherever they go. I fear guns and so should you.

9. Withdraw from Trans-Pacific Partnership

Withdrawing from a huge trade agreement is bad. I would be scared for the economy because there will be loss of potential gains from free-trade agreements, but so much money will be lost as well. Foreign pacts would be broken and relationships shattered. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that the pact would be useless without America.

10. Drilling for oil and natural gas

This is Trump's plan for the environment and it's a major risk. You should be scared because this will not only cost millions and millions of dollars to perform this task, but gas emissions will soar and the pace of global warming will only increase not decrease.

11. Taxes: impacting your wallet

Trump plans on slashing taxes. Okay. Where's the issue. Cutting services like Social Security and Medicare! You should be scared because your health insurance and payrolls from work are on the line, not to mention retirement. Low-income earners get so little as it is and Trump will only make it worse. Not to also mention women might receive less pay. Just perfect.

12. Prevention of White House staff becoming lobbyists

Be scared of this one because this will enable Trump to freely make decisions without any kind of influence from the White House staff whatsoever (unless the Legislative Branch has something to do with it). If this means he declares war, no one can stop him.

13. Labeling China as a "currency manipulator"

Trump wants to slap tariffs on Chinese goods up to 45 PERCENT! That's a lot. This could mean a trade war or there could also be significant suffering due to the collapse of businesses and job losses. More broadly, a full-blown trade war between Beijing and Washington could encourage other countries to become hostile to Chinese products, thus wrecking China's powerful export machine. This could mean millions of lost dollars in exports because the U.S. is China's biggest export market.

14. Reinstating abortion

Oh no! Women everywhere should be scared because what Trump wants to do is eliminate the women from having a choice as to whether or not to have an abortion. It's their bodies and they should always have a say! Ironically this plan will come into motion on the 44th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. He even wants to defund Planned Parenthood, which means no pap smears, cancer screenings, and birth control (which has it's issues now since we women can't get it for free anymore). Women's health is on the line here!

15. Plan against ISIS

Trump wants a 30 day plan on how to kill ISIS. You should be very scared of this because this could increase the risk for US troops if war were to be declared. This could mean more deaths of our troops and even more funding to send them out. Plus: 30 days?! No way!

So, will these promises and plans go the way Trump planned them to happen? Will the country be in good hands? Only the next 4 years will tell.

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