15 Struggles Theatre Majors Know Too Well
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15 Struggles Theatre Majors Know Too Well

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15 Struggles Theatre Majors Know Too Well

If you have ever met a theatre major you have probably noticed that we are a unique group of people. We are loud, boisterous, competitive, creative, emotional, and we take up the whole room no matter what we are doing. If you see us around campus we are probably singing, dancing, or rolling around on the floor for reasons that only make sense to other theatre majors. We can sometimes be seen talking to walls, having aggressive arguments in public that later end in hugs, and doing tongue twisters that sound physically impossible. It might look like our lives are all fun and games, and that our classes are easy. But oh how wrong you are, my friend. From one proud theatre major, here are 15 struggles that theatre majors know all too well:

1. Auditions

There is nothing that strikes fear into a theatre major's heart faster than that word. It's pretty nerve-wracking when you only get 45 seconds to convince a room full of strangers that you are the ideal person for their show.

2. Vocal Health

Theatre majors are obsessed with vocal health! We always have bags of tea, bottles of honey, or throat spray. We will do anything to protect our voices. As a result, if you happen to see a theatre major indicate that they are on vocal rest by tapping their throats or writing out an explanation for you in a notebook, please respect that. It will mean the world to us.

3. Clear Skin for Shows

It never fails. After a lack of sleep, a diet of coffee and pizza, and layers and layers of makeup for days on end, it never fails that you look in the mirror on opening night and you've broken out all over your face. Every. Single. Time.

4. Lines

WE NEVER STOP MEMORIZING!!!! Off-book day will be here before we know it!

5. Dating non-performers

Sometimes it can be difficult to explain the way our lives work to those who have never been involved in performances like ours. Sometimes we have to kiss other people or dress in a way that makes our significant others uncomfortable in front of audiences of hundreds. The concept that "it's my character! Not me!" can sometimes be difficult to explain to others. To those boyfriends and girlfriends who do their best to understand, we thank you.

6. Theatre vs. Theater

It's not that hard people! TheatRE is the art. TheatER is the building!!!

7. You notice the actors in the wings

When watching live performances we are always acutely aware that there are actors in the wings. We see you chugging that to-go cup of hot tea, and we know how you feel.

8. The Name of the Scottish play.

Inside the theater or not, we simply do not say the word "Macbeth." It's just too risky.

9. When people say "Good Luck!"

We flinch when people say this. We appreciate the sentiment, but if I mess up my lines onstage I'm blaming you!

10. When you cheat out in public.

Don't even pretend that you haven't done this. People look at us like we're crazy, but we can't help it!

11. Tech Week

Sleep? What is that? I've lived at the theater for three full days now and I don't even remember what my bed looks like anymore. Oh, the joys of Tech week. Hey, they don't call it Hell week for nothing.

12. First Dress Rehearsal

Everyone is running around like crazy people! The light cues aren't working, the costumes are itchy, the actors are sneaking food in costume, and literally nothing is working like it's supposed to be.

13. Final Dress Rehearsal

It's our last chance to perfect things before opening night and the jitters are starting to kick in. It's hard to focus when you are fully aware that you have only 14 hours and 32 minutes until the audience will be lining up at the Box office just to see you!

14. Not Getting the Role

It happens to all of us. We go into that audition and perform to the best of our abilities! We get the callback for that one role we really wanted. And after having a great callback and a tense week of waiting for the cast list... we aren't on it. It hurts. And sometimes it's even harder because our best friends are on that list. We are happy for them but upset for ourselves. It's not easy. After this happens a few times we start to grow thicker skin and learn that sometimes e just weren't the right person for that role.

15. Not being in a Show

Nothing stresses a theatre major out more than not being involved in a show at all! We suffer withdrawal and it isn't pretty.

Overall we have a pretty fun major. Our acting and improvisation classes keep us sane so that we can tolerate our math and science courses. But, no matter what it looks like on the outside we have to work just as hard and we struggle just as much as anyone else.

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