15 Movies To Watch In Summer
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15 Movies To Watch In Summer

There's so many more than just these, you know.

15 Movies To Watch In Summer

Summer is here! While most of the time you are probably out at the beach or work (most likely) there are still those rainy, dreary days that you just want to pass by. So how do you make time fly? There are plenty of great options, but what about making some popcorn and watching movies? Here is a list of some of my favorite movies to watch during summer!

1. "The Sandlot"

Most everyone I know seems to have watched "The Sandlot" at least once. Or at least heard of it. The new kid is taught how to play baseball by a young star at their local sandlot. The group of kids, the seemingly perfect baseball team, faces a lot of challenges, but nothing compares to the challenge of Hercules next door.

This is one of my all time favorite movies, but summer just seems like the proper time to watch it. If you are looking at the sequels, skip the second. The second is a complete retelling of the first, just with a group of girls and a kid with a rocket. But the third movie is alright, I'd suggest checking it out.

2. "Finding Dory"

I haven't actually seen this one, but come on....it's "Finding Dory". We've been waiting ages for this movie and now it is finally here! Check yourself into a theater and go see it, I know I will!

3. "I Am Legend"

Now I won't spoil this one, but bring tissues. You'll need them. In this movie, the last man on Earth is fighting time to find a cure for the virus that turned everyone into, well, in the movie they are called darkseekers.

4. "Jurassic Park"

All of them. Even "Jurassic World". How can you go wrong?

5. "Ghostbusters"

Who you gonna call...? I love this movie. Three guys becoming ghostbusters to save the city of pesky ghosts, only to have to face demons? Pretty cool stuff right here.

6. "E.T."

E.T., the extra-terrestrial. Want a heartwarming story about a family taking in an alien and helping him find home? This one's for you!

7. "Second Chances"

Another heartwarming story, this one is about a young girl who was in a car crash and has a damaged leg. She finds a horse with a damaged leg and the pair bond. Together, they heal. Lots of horse racing and love in this one. Gets a little sappy, too.

8. "Speed"

Bomb on a bus. Bus hits under 50 mph, bomb goes off. It's a pretty intense thriller. I've only personally seen it once, so it's time for me to watch it again. I just remember being on the edge of my seat asking my dad "do they die?" Now let's see, do they have this on Netflix?

9. "The Lion King"

Duh! I mean, this whole list could be a jumble of Disney movies because Disney has cranked out some wonderful movies. Hey, maybe it will turn into one, seeing as Disney owns practically everything!

Anyway, if you don't even remotely know what this movie is about, stop what you are doing, go buy a copy and watch it. Your life will finally be complete once you do.

10. "Pirates of the Caribbean"

Who doesn't love Johnny Depp? Especially as Captain Jack Sparrow? Come on now! These movies are full of adventure and laughs. I'm thinking I'll go ahead and marathon them myself the next rainy day. (And hey, guess what? They are also Disney movies!)

11. "War Horse"

Who doesn't love a horse making his way through a war to get back to his human? This entire story is told through the point of view of the horse (except for like three parts, but they are essential, that's why they are there), which makes for some interesting storytelling!

12. "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron"

While we are on the topic of horses, this movie is a children's classic. I'm so disappointed that this movie is not out more because EVERYONE needs to see this incredible animated film. A young stallion adventures from his herd and is trapped by the US government. His story is getting home.

13. "50 First Dates"

A man falls in love with a woman who loses her memory every night when she falls asleep. He takes the time and effort to woo her every single day, against her father and brother's wishes.

14. "Indiana Jones"

Up for wild adventure? Pop in the series of Indiana Jones and you'll be going on a wild ride. You never will know what is in store just around the corner.

15. "Paper Towns"

Road trip everyone! When a teenage girl runs off, again, the boy across the street in love with her feels like she's leaving clues for him to go find her. He gathers up his group of friends and follows the clues, hoping to find the girl before it's too late and he loses her.

There are so many movies out there that it would take forever just for me to list all of the ones I suggest. (But seriously, anything Disney...) What are some of your favorite summer movies?

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