15 Facts Every Concert Enthusiast Knows To Be True | The Odyssey Online
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15 Facts Every Concert Enthusiast Knows To Be True

If Foreigner lyrics become truth, I wanna be a Jukebox Hero with stars in my eyes.

15 Facts Every Concert Enthusiast Knows To Be True
Exposure Guide

Concerts are part of the reason I am who I am. As a music enthusiast, the experience of a show can be topped by nothing else. Here are a few facts that I know all my music nerds will find to be true.

1. You save every penny you can to buy the best tickets.

To most people spending over $30.00 is ridiculous. But how often do Guns N’ Roses come this close?!?

2. There is nothing like the thrill of buying tickets.

You feel like Charlie from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory!

3. You spend weeks planning out the perfect outfit to wear.

Whether it be that bad ass merch you just bought from their online store, or your favorite t-shirt and jeans combo.

4. You pre-plan the trip to ensure parking won’t be an issue.

Walking to the venue is a great experience in its self. You get to see everyone in all their glory.

5. You always get the dreaded “Haven’t you seen them before?” question.

Refrain from rolling your eyes. Those who ask this question have no clue about the bond you have with your favorite live act.

6. You do extensive research about the bands you are about to see.

You spend all your free time finding a memorizing the set list, perfecting your lyric knowledge, and binge watching their music videos.

7. You don’t believe in showing up to only see one band.

The golden rule is to show up early, and leave late.

8. You can’t replicate the feeling of live music.

Being able to feel the music coursing through your veins is indescribable. The only way to truly understand this is to feel it.

9. Feeling important because you heard unreleased tracks that bands only perform live.

It could be a cover of a super cool song, or it could be new songs that haven’t been recorded yet. By the way, these guys do an amazing cover of Sound of Silence! Check them out!

10. The crazy stories you have to tell the losers,I mean friends, who were too lame to go with you.

Breaking up a fight during a Slipknot show seems like a joke, but I assure you it happened.

11. The realization that the song you adore, sounds better live than it has ever recorded.

That IPhone purchase will never be the same.

12. You end up falling in love with at least one opening act.

Not only do you get to hear some songs that you absolutely love, but you also discover new music to obsess over when you get home.

13. Not only are you entertained by great music, you have an opportunity to entertain yourself.

Crowd surfing and moshing to name a couple.

14. Post Concert Depression (PCD) is real!

Ok, so maybe its not “real”, but the days after your last concert are pretty rough. Its like your old friend came home from school but had to go back for finals.

15. The only cure for PCD is buying tickets for the next show.

However could you fix the pain in your heart? It’s simple! Buy tickets for another show and relive your favorite experience.


Most people forget to love their local musicians. With out them, we lose our gateway to a new scene. Do me a favor. Next time you see the locals out promoting their show, take the time to go and show support. You never know, you may find the next big thing lurking in your back yard.

These guys work hard. Check them out as well.


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