Long hair, don't hair! Except when it's caught in literally everything. If you have long hair, as in past your shoulders, you probably deal with it on a daily basis as if it were its own entity. Sometimes you even think it has a mind of its own, getting into places where it doesn't belong. Here's 14 things you struggle with if you have long hair and just don't care:
1. It gets caught in your seat-belt when you try to get out of the car.
2. It falls in your food when you're not paying attention.
And it's really gross when you find food in your hair a couple hours later.
3. It ends up literally everywhere.
And everyone you love takes a little piece of you with them (whether they want to or not).
4. Trying to zip a jacket if your hair is down can be pretty painful.
Again, ouch.
5. Turning over in bed at night is nearly impossible because you've trapped your hair beneath you.
6. Your shower walls are covered in loose hair because you can't let it clog the drain, again.
7. It can be a danger to others.
8. Forget ever riding in a convertible.
This is not fun.
9. And if it's windy out you better hope you have a hair tie.
10. Who needs arm day at the gym when you brush those locks every day?
Arm day, every day.
11. Hairwashing day is dreaded, to say the least.
It takes so much time and effort and energy. Maybe I can wait until tomorrow.
12. And forget blow-drying it. Do you want my arm to fall off?
I'm not strong enough!
13. You find yourself saying "Ouch you're on my hair!" way too often.
14. But you also hear "Wow your hair is so long and pretty!" a lot too, so it's worth it.
Shut up baby, I know it.