14 Experiences Of Surviving Finals Explained By Jess Day | The Odyssey Online
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14 Experiences Of Surviving Finals Explained By Jess Day

The struggle is definitely real.

14 Experiences Of Surviving Finals Explained By Jess Day

Surviving finals in college is one of the most excruciating things one can experience. Whether you're a freshman or a senior, you definitely know the struggle of what feels like donating your life to the library. Here are 14 experiences we have during finals season, explained by Jess Day from "New Girl."

1. You were breezing through the semester until now.

Remember the days where you could sit in class and zone in and out as you pleased? Who knew if you were really thinking about Durkheim's theory on human nature or that guy you thought was cute from a party a few days ago.

2. Your professor announces your final exam/paper/project.

The paper needs to be around 20-25 pages, single spaced. Oh, but if you want an A, it's going to have to be anywhere between 27-47 pages.

3. Study sessions begin.

You officially start to camp out in the library. You plead with the smartest person in your group for help but can't seem to wrap up a full semester of knowledge in your brain. You see people in the library you didn't even know went to your school.

4. The panic attacks begin.

When you get back to your dorm at the end of the day, you can't seem to relax yourself to sleep. You've calculated all of the possible grade outcomes to make sure you can still graduate in time.

5. You start to lose your mind.

"I showered today, right?" It seems the most simplest tasks are overbearing.

6. You become overly emotional.

Therapy dogs come to campus, and you sit there petting them with tears rolling down your tears. You are usually not one to cry at commercials, but you have essentially lost all hope and are just trying to make it through the week.

7. That one person who says the exam will be "so easy."

There's always that one person who gets 100 percent on the exam without studying and just breezes through life. You secretly hope they will suffer the week with you or at least share their wisdom.

8. Caffeine is your best friend and your life savior.

You don't take a coffee order without an extra shot. Caffeine is the only thing keeping you going right now, and you just can't get enough.

9. But when people ask you how you're feeling about the exam, you completely lie.

"There's an exam?! Oh yeah, it will be fine! He's not that hard of a grader" Lies, on lies, on lies, on lies.

10. Newsflash, we all know you're not cool.

You cry yourself to sleep questioning why double majoring or taking a science class for fun was ever a good idea. There is absolutely no light at the end of this tunnel.

11. The day arrives and it's time to give it all you've got.

You walk to your final knowing there's no more hope. You know you have to give it your all or nothing. You convince yourself you've been working hard enough to nail this, but the nerves can't seem to leave your mind.

12. You turn to the first page of your exam.

Umm.....what? Did we learn this?

13. When you come out of your exam and your friends ask "How was it?"

You don't know what you just wrote for the four essays you were required to write. You definitely need a minute to process what you just did.

14. Your grades come out and you passed all of your exams.

Finally on break! You did it and it is definitely time to sleep celebrate all of your hard work. But first things first—you need to rekindle your relationship with Netflix.

You did it! Here's to a long break to recuperate before doing it all over again.

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