13 Breakup Stories That Will Have Your Heart Aching, Too
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13 Of The Worst Breakup Stories That Will Have Your Heart Aching Like You Went Through It, Too

Nothing breaks like a heart.

13 Of The Worst Breakup Stories That Will Have Your Heart Aching Like You Went Through It, Too

Heartbreak, it's not fun, especially when you break up with someone and it doesn't end on good terms. The good thing is, so many other people go through breakups just like we do, so it's nice to be able to empathize with others and relate to their stores. I decided to ask 13 people to tell me their worst breakup stories. I completely feel for these anonymous individuals and it's awful that they even had to endure these types of situations.

Some responses were lightly edited for this article

1. "I never felt so unwanted in my life"

"I wouldn't call it the worst breakup story, he didn't sleep with one of my friends or anything terrible. I just knew that the relationship needed to end. I wasn't happy, I had become a person I didn't even remotely recognize, and I'd never felt so unwanted in my entire life. So with a heart full of love for him, I ended it. I knew time would heal all wounds and I knew my future wasn't with him. He guilted me into going out to dinner with him again and all I felt was more confusion because he suddenly had a desire to make me happy. I knew it was an act so I never took him back. Within two months of the breakup, he started dating a bridesmaid from a wedding we were both at.

"Today, I constantly hear stories of the crazy things she does and he consistently reaches out to me once every 6-12 months. For my own sanity, I blocked him on everything. I had forgotten I had LinkedIn until several months ago so after he messaged me on there, I had to block him from that social media platform as well. I'm sure his next step will be to create another Facebook or log in to someone's profile to message me."

2. "He went back to his ex"

"Worst breakup story is my boyfriend broke up with me over text message, claiming we had no time for each other and that he was going to be working a lot, but then turned around and starting screwing his ex."

3. "I broke up with my ex for $5"

I was in the eight grade and I had been dating the same girl for over a year. We were about as serious as 13-to-14-year-olds could be, but it was probably never going to last. One day, in the library, my best friend and I were talking and somehow the conversation led to my girlfriend and how I wasn't really ever going to end things even though I mentioned it quite a bit. We made a $5 bet that I wouldn't dump her and 10 minutes later I did.

"This was probably no big deal for my ex because, to my knowledge, she is still unaware of the bet and is now happily married nearly over a decade later, but for me, this was the absolute worst. Valuing my girlfriend at $5 is a mark of shame I still bare, I probably could have gotten $20."

4. "He broke up with me because of my scars"

"I had an ex break up with me because I had to get two tumors removed from my breast and he said I was ugly now that there is going to be a scar and that's after dating for four years."

5. This one is self explanatory

"I broke up with a guy because he didn't like Mozzarella sticks."

6. "He gave me and his family the exact same gift"

"I dated a guy for a very long time - off and on for 14 years. The final break up was one Christmas, he comes out with three identical packages. Gives one to me, one to his sister and one to his aunt. He gave us all the same throw blanket. I managed to maintain my cool and after a while left. I ran out of his mother's house so fast, he was trying to catch up with me. I cursed him out and never saw him again until about five years later. We sort of made up but never dated again. We're friends now and my current beloved gives me great gifts (not that l need anything). By the way, I still have that throw."

7. "He broke up with me while I was in class"

"I was in class and he was texting me and I told him I wanted to talk after I got out of class and he wouldn't wait. So, he basically broke up with himself."

8. "He started dating his best friend's teenage sister"

"He asked me where I saw our relationship going and I told him I liked him and wanted to be with him. He told me he didn't think he would have time for me because of his job and that he still had trust issues because of his ex, but was conflicted on what to do. He couldn't give me a straight answer. He didn't talk to me for a week. We had an awkward conversation on the phone that led to nothing that had to do with why we were even on the phone. Then he ghosted me and a month later, apologized because he should've just told me he didn't want to be in a relationship with me.

"A few weeks later, he was in a relationship with his best friend's younger sister who was still in high school. All the times he went to visit his best friend while we were talking suddenly made sense."

9. "He broke up with me without me knowing"

"I was dating a guy long distance when I lived in Cleveland. For Thanksgiving, I was going to fly down to Florida (where he lived). I spent $400 on a flight and told my parents I wasn't going to be seeing them because I was seeing him for my Thanksgiving break. Two days before I was set to leave, he started acting sketchy and blocked me on everything out of nowhere. We hadn't had a fight or anything. He literally just blocked me. I had to cancel that flight and spend another $300 flying back home (where my parents lived at the time). I called the hotel I was supposed to be staying at and asked if he had actually put in a reservation/deposit for the week. They said no. His name was listed but my name wasn't, another girl's name was.

"Weeks went by and I never heard from him. I was back in Cleveland at this time. I was sitting in class and he texted me a picture of a girl saying 'This is why we broke up.' I guess he was cheating and seeing some skank on the side. However, I never knew we had actually broken up because he just randomly blocked me without explanation. The whole thing was a mess. Never again. Can't trust these dudes."

10. "She told me was leaving for college and that I couldn't go with her"

"How it happened between me and my ex is I noticed her acting weird by not communicating with me a lot as she had used to. Before the breakup, I had only seen her at a friend's birthday, Valentine's day, and the last day before the breakup. She acted fine when I was with her but something was off. On my day off I wanted to visit her job but she told me not to and that there was something she's been wanting to tell me. She had me wait a week while I was panicking about what it could be. Finally, she told me while I was at my job that she was leaving to Montana for college. I told her I'd go with her because I was also wanting to propose to her. She told me, no and that I couldn't I had noticed on her Snapchat that she was hanging out with some guy, which she said was a 'friend of hers.'

"A month after the breakup, she told me the real reason she broke up with me was that she wasn't happy in the relationship and that she thinks she likes the guy she's been seeing and hanging out with. Later, on they actually became a couple and she also made a new Facebook adding some of my friends from school but not me. I haven't heard from her since."

11. "We broke up and he got a job at my restaurant"

"We dated for a little over two years and I thought I was going to marry him. I broke up with him due to many factors, one being alcoholism. Less than a week after we're over, he flips his truck in a ditch and gets arrested for a DUI. The next week, he gets a job at the restaurant I work at and now we're co-workers and he acts like I don't exist. I truly don't understand men."

12. "He broke up with me because I had pink hair"

"After my ex-fiance and I ended it, I started dating a friend's brother/ coworker. We dated for 6 months or so and I decided to dye my hair. It was supposed to be magenta but got messed up in the process and turned into bubblegum pink. That night he said I was still beautiful and the pink hair was 'fun.' Two days later, he ended the relationship because 'I was not pretty enough anymore.'"

13. "He cheated on me with a stripper"

"When I was 17, I got involved in a long distance relationship. We dated for two and a half year and got engaged. He kept promising to move to Florida and kept falling through with that promise. He moved to Texas and stayed with his dad, saying he could make more money to officially move to Florida. About two weeks into the move, I found out he cheated on me with a stripper. The relationship ended shortly after that because the trust was gone and he still had no plan to move to Florida. He is now happily married and I am just trying to find my way."

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