13 Things All Friday Night Lights Fans Can Agree On | The Odyssey Online
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13 Things All Friday Night Lights Fans Can Agree On

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

13 Things All Friday Night Lights Fans Can Agree On
The Frisky

Arguably one of greatest TV shows ever to grace nightly television, "Friday Night Lights" sadly ended it's five-season run in 2011. But that doesn't mean it doesn't continue to live on to this day. Personally, I've seen the show four times as a whole, and each time, I swear it gets even better. The best part about the show is that it's not all about football either. Sure, that's the main focus, but there are quite a few episodes that deal with more serious topics, things that make you think, things that make you appreciate where you come from. Not to mention, I'm sure every fan of the show can agree that it also doesn't hurt to stare at Kyle Chandler (Coach Taylor) for 60 minutes. But that's not all we can agree on.

1. The TV show is way better than the movie.

Not only does the TV show delve deeper, but its cast is far superior to the movie. I mean, what's "Friday Night Lights" without Kyle Chandler as Coach Taylor?

2. Julie Taylor makes you angry.

Julie grew up right in front of our eyes. Yet no matter the age, we could always count on her to make dumb decisions. Never forget when she got so drunk that Tim had to put her to bed, and Coach Taylor misinterpreted the situation and kicked Tim out. Damn you, Julie.

3. "Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose" motivates you everyday.

You may not be running plays on the football field, but you still use this quote to motivate yourself in all that you do.

4. Matt Saracen's relationship with his grandma is adorable.

You can tell he truly cares about her as if she's his own mother. Not to mention he's totally okay with her shamelessly pining away at the one and only Coach Taylor.

5. Landry makes you a little uncomfortable.

I understand he's Matt's best friend (though I'm still not sure why), but there's something off about him. Like perhaps when he killed that guy—yeah, that justifies him making me a little uncomfortable I'd say.

6. You want to hate JD McCoy but you just can't.

I mean, come on, have you seen those eyes?

7. Coach Taylor is your ideal man.

Speaking of eyes, I get lost in Coach Taylor's big brown eyes like it's my job. He's a family man, a dedicated coach, a faithful husband, a supportive father and a great friend. Can you say swoon?

8. You sometimes wish Tami Taylor was your mom.

Always the voice of reason, effortlessly beautiful and strong as hell, you have no problem pretending Tami Taylor is your mom. Except you definitely don't want her to be your principal, hard pass.

9. You tried liking Buddy Garrity but he's just too annoying.

I know that most of the time he really is well-intentioned, but Buddy Garrity is just a mess, plain and simple. It's hard to keep up with the saga and maintain interest.

10. You just want Tim Riggins to be your boyfriend.

I mean sure he's a "bad boy" but he's got a heart of gold and hair to die for. He might be a troublemaker and come from a rough family, but he's got his head on right, and boy is it beautiful.

11. The theme song always gets you feeling some type of way.

Although no words are actually spoken, it says everything. In the opening credits, you get the perfect sense for what the show is about, its characters, the town of Dillon. I get chills every time it comes on.

12. Tami and Eric Taylor are the ultimate couple goals.

Through tragedy and triumph, they stick together. Their love is evident and endless, and they both make sacrifices on behalf of the other's dreams. A girl can only dream of finding a love like theirs.

13. Texas Forever.

Riggins said it best.

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