If you're a Math major like me, you know that getting through a difficult lecture isn't always easy. We'd all like to think that our minds can stay focused on what's happening up front, but sometimes your mind wanders to other things. Thinking back on my past three years of math classes, I can definitely say that I thought some of these things during class.
1. Let's try to stay awake today.
Let's be honest, it's not always easy. I love numbers and all, but not so much if I didn't get enough sleep.
2. Wait, where's my calculator?
AKA my lifeline. I feel like a piece of me is missing when I can't find my calculator.
3. Is this even English?
Sometimes, no.
4. I think I might burn a hole in my paper writing this fast.
I didn't know the ability to write at the speed of light was a requirement for all math majors.
5. Where did that answer come from?
I swear I just understood this a second ago. Did he skip a step?
6. I'm so confused.
Can someone explain to me what's going on?
7. None of this makes any sense.
Either that, or my brain is broken.
8. Help.
Please. Help.
9. Please let there be no homework. Please let there be no homework. Please let there be no homework.
Looks like there's homework.
10. Can I drop out?
I'm only being sort of serious.
11. Why am I here?
Oh, that's right. I chose this.
12. Wait...I get it.
The moment of truth. I finally understand what my professor has been trying to say this whole time.