Freshman year of college is something that none of us are really ever prepared for. I mean... we have to live in the same small room with a random person, share a shower with multiple people, find our own food and get up and go to class a million miles away by ourselves?! I don't know about you, but there were many times I wished I could just call my mom and ask her what to do. The number of things I have learned the past year is insurmountable, but here is a list of things I thought stood out the most.
1. How to survive off eating the same three things from the cafeteria
2. How to drink a venti coffee in under 10 minutes
3. How to go to bed at 4 a.m. and still make it on time to your 8 a.m. class
4. How much your mom actually does for you
5. Not everybody has to like you
6. How important going to class is
7. How to go at least one month without doing laundry
8. How to treat the syllabus like the Bible
9. That Lysol wipes are one of your best friends
10. How random roommates aren’t actually scary
11. The tutoring center will save your life
12. Everything won’t always go smoothly, but it will work out for the best in the end