For those of us lucky enough to own a dog, we know that every day is a new experience with a miniature version of yourself in your life. Sometimes we might even consider these smaller than normal humans as one of our own family members. We watch them grow from year to year and couldn't imagine our lives without them. Normally, a best friend is a very special person in your life that you are close with. However, we are lucky enough to have realized that, human or not, a best friend is a best friend. Here are 12 signs that your dog has become your best friend.
1. You talk to them more than humans.
Even though they can't respond to us (but we think they do sometimes), we constantly find ourselves in a full conversation with our dogs.
2. You have pet names for them.
I'm not talking about the name you gave them when you first got them. Over time you develop habits of calling your tiny pup "buddy" or some variation of the pet names given to a best friend. It's not intentional — it's fate.
3. When you forget to feed them, you feel like the worst person alive.
You were in a rush this morning and right after you leave the house, you remember something. You didn't feed your dog. You spend the rest of the day planning your apology in hopes that your best friend will accept it and still give you kisses as you walk in the door later that day.
4. You get offended when others tell you that you need real friends.
How dare you! My dog is fully capable of anything that a "real person" could do. By the way, my dog is a real person! And a real friend! (Insert angry emoji.)
5. You dress them up for holidays.
They have to celebrate, too... Right? Why not just let them be the Christmas card this year?
6. You feel safer when they are cuddled up next to you.
Minus the ice cream for them... Most of the time. Hey, they deserve to enjoy everything we enjoy, right?
7. You're constantly taking selfies with them.
Sometimes they don't look toward the camera, though.
8. You get sad when you can't take them with you on an adventure.
It will all be OK. I know you're probably thinking, "How am I going to make it without them?" Just look at them and say, "I promise I will bring back some amazing stories to tell you." They'll be waiting for you at the door when you return!
9. You find them in the weirdest places and don't judge them for it.
How did you get there? Oh, you're taking a nap? Oh, OK. That's reasonable.
10. You watch movies together.
"Have you seen (insert new movie)?" No, we haven't. We are waiting until we can watch it at home with our best friend.
11. They are always in family photos.
How could you not include them in on something you consider them to be a part of? As Lilo would say, "Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind... or forgotten."
12. You love them.
We have to admit it. We love you. A lot.