12 New Year's Resolution You Can Totally Still Complete by December 31
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12 New Year's Resolution You Can Totally Still Complete by December 31

10 months down, 2 to go.

12 New Year's Resolution You Can Totally Still Complete by December 31

Okay guys, this is it. Two months left until 2016 is gone. Finished. Hasta la vista, baby. And I'd be willing to bet that about 90% didn't even start your New Year's Resolutions. Well, you have until December 31 to fix that. Here are a few quick ways to complete your resolutions while racing the clock.

1. Get in shape.

Okay, most people's resolution is to, "join a gym." But you can do better than that, right? Don't just buy the membership. With two months left, commit to going to the gym three times a week. No more, no less. Give yourself just two months and, by the time January comes, you'll be in a good groove.

2. Meet new people.

Have dinner out at least once a week. Go to your local bar, Taco Tuesday night at the place down the street, or just pack your dinner and go eat at the park. Whatever it entails, get yourself out of the house. Force some interaction, and maybe make some new friends in time to celebrate with.

3. Read more.

This is actually one of the easier ones to accomplish. What's the easiest form of reading material, delivered right to your door or local Starbucks, ever morning? The newspaper! Try to spend more time in the mornings educating yourself and less time pressing the snooze button.

4. Learn a new language.

This is a tough one, but there is absolutely a way to grasp the basic concepts of a new language in two months. Immerse yourself in the language. Find a program that allows you to go through lessons at your own speed, and try to spend time each night grasping the basics of the syntax and verb conjugation. Throughout the day, carry around sticky notes and label everything in your house, office, etc. with the word of the language you are trying to learn.

5. Volunteer locally.

Many homeless shelters have an easy process that includes going online to the organization's website and signing up for shifts to take. A quick background check and you are set to help! Volunteer at your church, offer your help at the soup kitchen, etc. It doesn't have to be big, but even committing to volunteering once a month for the next two months is better than nothing.

6. Organize your space.

This one could take just one day if you really want it to. Take a Saturday and lock yourself in your house, vowing not to come out until your space is clean. Here's a helpful hint: if you don't see yourself actually using it before the new year, throw it out!

7. Travel.

One of the most underrated forms of travel nowadays is going by train. But, it can be one of the most efficient! Amtrak has stations in many towns throughout the United States, and it only takes a few hours to get to from one to another. Take a weekend and visit a nearby city that you've always wondered about. Enjoy your mini-vacation as the craziness of the holidays descends on us.

8. Spend less time on social media.

A hard one to tackle for this generation, as social media is the center of so many worlds in this day and age. "Do it for the like," has become this generation's anthem, and it's probably not one we should be proud of. Limit yourself to checking your social media accounts only five times a day. Anytime you feel the need to entertain yourself with the posts and tweets of people you probably don't even know, maybe find good book to read instead.

9. Stick to a healthy habit.

Many studies have come to the general assumption that it takes 40 days to make a habit out of something. Good news- you have just over 40 days until the new year! So pick anything you want: a daily walk, reading a classic novel, eating at least two vegetables a day, etc. and set yourself up with a physical calendar to mark the days off. Take just 40 days and check off everyday that you achieve whatever healthy habit you want to establish as a part of your daily routine.

10. Save money.

This is a tough one, especially with the holidays coming up. But really, it comes down to a simple question. Whenever you are about to make a purchase, ask yourself this- "Do I need this, or do I want it?" If you're serious about trying to save yourself some cash, then take the next couple of weeks and only buy the things that you need. You'd be surprised at how little you need to survive.

11. Learn a new hobby.

Whether it be teaching yourself how to play guitar, or perfecting the art of knitting, you have two months to learn a new craft. With this one, try setting aside 30 minutes each day specifically to perfecting whatever it is you chose. Just 30 minutes, and you'll be surprised at where you end up on January 1.

12. Stop procrastinating.

Simple: start on next year's list today. And, maybe don't wait so long next year?

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