12 Emotions You Feel When Subtweeting
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12 Emotions You Feel When Subtweeting

Subtweeting can be like watching a rom com, action thriller, and theater musical in the wee seconds of typing 140 or fewer characters.

12 Emotions You Feel When Subtweeting

Remember that little journal you keep with all of your rants, sappy stories, and angry scribbles? Maybe it even had a lock with a little key to shutting out anyone who wasn't welcome into the depths of your heart, which you protectively wore around your neck. It is now collecting dust as it sits, abandoned, alone, the tear stained pages, ink blots, and crumpled paper left to rot. Your Twitter profile, on the other hand, is now teaming with vibrant, risky, relatable, humorous, and seething messages, all 140 characters or less.

That's right folks, those secret notes you once wrote in your personal diary are now lying in the open for all to read. The subliminal messages you send out are filled with the same emotional weightiness as your journal once held.

Subtweeting has become a way of releasing the thoughts, feelings, or emotions that entangle our minds. These limited character messages are often prompted or followed by a plethora of emotions. Each subliminal tweet has a story, whether positive or negative, and those who tweet them may often experience one if not all of these emotions.

1. Fearless

You don't care who or what sees this tweet. Whether the shade is so dark the sun isn't shining or it's a positive shout out to your BFF, you send it to be read and if a fight ensues, you have your weapons drawn.

2. Petrified

Quite the opposite of the above, but also very relatable if you don't intend to start more drama (subtweeting is a bad way to handle it). The emotion typical follows the sending of the tweet, especially when the person you were (not) mentioning likes it.

3. Dire

You probably send multiple subtweets at a time, wanting the person to pick up the hints you've been dropping. The desperate food of tweets annoys other tweeters more than keeps them interested.

4. Hopeful

Similar to the one above, but more simplistic and less needy. You might send out one or two sub-mentions to float around in the Twittersphere, waiting for someone to respond.

5. Doubtful

You felt this way because you know they might not see it or even pick up on it. There is a small inkling of hopefulness that is easily squashed and trampled by their lack of social media presence or knowledge on your secretive subject matter.

6. Delight

A flood of warm fuzzies overcome you and possibly prompt you to send out a subtweet about your BFF, boo thang, or someone whose attention you wish to capture. These are the mot flirtatious, positive, and uplifting of all tweets that follow this emotion.

7. Vengeful

You want to start the Twitter fight, you are prepared with plenty of shady sub-mentions, and you only care about the reaction of the person you're directing your 140 characters to. Typically in the form of blackmail or revenge. Tread carefully with this emotion.8.

9. Anxious

Stress induced subtweets are not wise for the indecisive. You may feel this as you are planning your submention, as you are typing out your message, and as it sits on your feed waiting to be read by all of your followers. If this emotion continues after tweet has been sent and thoughts of the worst reaction engulf your every thought, deletion may occur

10. Regret

If your subtweet wasn't subliminal enough or even too subliminal, you may have started some unwanted attention and/or drama. You immediately regret even thinking about tweeting anything, then explain yourself to those who were in question, or you just delete 140 characters and carry on with your day.

11. Neutral

You send out the tweet, read it on your feed, lock your phone, give a shrug, and move on. Nothing more, nothing less was felt in the making of the sub-mention.

12. Flustered

Through rage-blurred vision your fingers type as the speed of light to bestow your wrath upon the (mostly) innocent lives of those scanning through Twittersphere. Your anger and frustration spurred you to type out multiple sassy, sarcastic, insulting, and upsetting subtweets. Probably about a boyfriend, ex, professor, or someone whose attention you could never grab so it came to such a degree of fiery, frantic tweets.

Through the thick and the thin, the good and the bad, you (possibly) still have you Twitter present (or absent) of subtweets and hint drops to those you love and dislike. Always be careful of what you post, no matter what emotion is pulling your heart strings. Feelings can still be hurt and assumption, whether right or wrong can be made by those who read your tweets. Just take a second to think, it could benefit more than you know.

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