Need a quick inspiration or laugh? Buzzfeed is for you. The Buzzfeed youtube channel can keep you entertained for hours with hundreds of short clips about life's weirdest and randomest ideas, and I can honestly say that I have fallen victim to a Buzzfeed addiction. I used the short, quirky, and hilarious videos to give myself a quick bedtime story in between studying and sleep during the school year, and I have compiled a few of my favorite videos for any time summer slows down and you need a quick pick me up.
1. The Try Guys are always a guaranteed win in the world of Buzzfeed videos. They are witty and fearless. This video, however, has a positive message as well. This video explores the falsehood of images we see in the media and defies the stereotype that negative body image is only present in women.
2. This video exists simply to make you smile, so give it a try!
3. If you are a girl and you claim to not relate to this at all, you are lying.
4. Continuing with the theme of men putting themselves in women's shoes...
5. Now here's one where men and women try something new and crazy together!
6. Below is a shoutout to every body type being unique.
7. If you like Buzzfeed and want to know what it takes to be a member of the crew, this is pretty cool.
8. Or, if you just like puppies.
9. Along with the animal theme,
10. And a video that is not from Buzzfeed but is equally experimentally funny.
11. Surprisingly enough, some videos are actually about human behavior surrounding more serious topics.
12. Finally, this amazing piece of history.