111 Little Things in Life to Appreciate
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111 Little Things in Life to Appreciate

Sometimes even the smallest of things have the greatest impact on our lives.

111 Little Things in Life to Appreciate
Ellie Pritts / Unsplash

Life is a truly wonderful, if I do say so myself. The fact that we are all existing in our own little universes is absolutely fascinating. Here are 111 little things in life that are worth appreciating and being happy about:

1. The first sip of a warm cup of coffee or tea

2. A freshly picked bouquet of flowers

3. Taking warm clothes out of the drying machine

4. The sound of rain hitting the roof or a window

5. Strolling through an art museum and crafting your own meanings to the artwork

6. Reading a novel that you never want to put down

7. Driving with the windows down while blasting your favorite tunes

8. Singing in the car and the shower

9. String lights that make you feel cozy

10. Owning your own succulents and watching them grow over time

11. Photographs that capture a specific memory that you can savor forever

12. Using a planner to feel like you are organized and have your life together

13. The smell of a bonfire on a summer night

14. A perfectly-roasted marshmallow

15. The crackling noise of a burning fire

16. The warmth of sunshine on your skin

17. Wearing headphones or earbuds in order to escape reality and enter your own little world

18. Wrapping yourself up in a fuzzy blanket

19. Waking up in the morning before your alarm goes off

20. Sleeping in and not having to set an alarm

21. Driving in a car to a big city and catching that first glimpse of the city skyline

22. The comfiness of wearing an oversized sweatshirt

23. Seeing a double rainbow in the sky

24. Relaxing in a bathtub with a lot of bubbles

25. Putting freshly cleaned sheets on your bed

26. Eating breakfast in bed

27. The smell of a burning candle or incense

28. Drinking a cup of ice cold water on a hot summer day

29. Finding shoes that are not only cute, but comfortable too

30. The satisfaction of crossing tasks of a to-do list

31. When a baby wraps their entire hand around one of your fingers

32. When a cat or kitten closes their eyes and softly purrs while you are petting them

33. Finding an item at a thrift shop that showcases your style

34. Watching the sunrise and sunset

35. Walking down a spiral staircase

36. Drinking or eating something that is hot and managing not to burn your tongue

37. Trying on a pair of sunglasses that fit your face perfectly

38. Versatile clothing that is easy to mix-and-match and bold/funky patterned clothing that contrasts that

39. Doing something you are passionate about and feeling like you are in your element

40. Using alone time as an opportunity of self-exploration

41. Going shopping and finding an item that has one size left, which happens to be your size

42. Earning a higher grade than you expected on an assignment

43. Finding random murals on the sides of buildings

44. Talking in a “dog-voice” to a dog and seeing their tail wag

45. Walking into a cafe and instantly smelling the coffee

46. The satisfaction of someone actually taking the advice that you gave them

47. When you turn on the television and find out that your favorite show is having a marathon

48. The feeling of excitement that comes with your favorite sports team winning an important game/match

49. Hearing your favorite song on the radio

50. The happiness that comes with smiling at a stranger and them smiling back at you

51. Feeling loved when someone wraps their arms around you

52. Having a genuine conversation with someone where you listen to them and they listen to you

53. Meeting someone and finding out that you have mutual friends

54. Listening to a song you have not remembered in a while and remembering all the lyrics word for word

55. Feeling accomplished when you perfectly fit everything into your suitcase

56. Having a good hair day

57. Having a bad hair day, but being able to disguise it by wearing a hat or headband

58. Learning something new that blows your mind, makes you think, or makes you put things into perspective

59. Reconnecting with someone that you have not seen or talked to in a while and realizing that things picked up right where they left off

60. Receiving coupons for free or discounted things

61. When you order a medium-sized beverage and receive a larger size without being charged for it

62. The content feeling of strolling through a farmers market and trying/seeing new types of food and artwork

63. Looking up at the stars and seeing different constellations

64. Decorating your room to express yourself

65. Making someone other than yourself laugh at something you said or did

66. Driving down a street with a bunch of traffic lights and managing to hit every single green light

67. That feeling when the lights dim at a concert venue, the crowd screams and the artist/band that you have been dying to see finally comes out onto the stage

68. When someone remembers the really small details about you without you having to remind them

69. Donating money or hosting a fundraiser for an organization/charity that is of great importance to you

70. Envisioning an outfit in your head, putting it on and realizing that it looks better than you expected

71. Being asked out on a date – whether it is super casual or fancy, it is the thought that counts

72. Taking a class that you not only enjoy, but learn a lot in

73. Laughing so hard that your stomach hurts and you start to cry

74. Doing a simple act of kindness and hoping that a person repays that same favor to someone else

75. Taking a photograph and it turns out just the way you wanted it to on the first attempt

76. Silly dancing without caring what other people think of you

77. Making a funny face at a baby or child, and they smile/laugh at you

78. Paying for something using a gift card and realizing that you still have more money left on the gift card than you thought there would be

79. Trying something new to eat and loving it

80. Making spontaneous decisions or plans with someone

81. Walking into a movie theatre and smelling freshly popped popcorn

82. Attending a festival and eating food that comes on a stick

83. Scoring great tickets to an event that you were hoping to attend

84. Doodling in the margins of a notebook

85. Hearing the voice of someone you love after not hearing it for a long time

86. The smell of your favorite cologne or perfume

87. Traveling to a new destination

88. Feeling stronger and healthier after a successful workout

89. Meeting someone for the first time and discovering that you have so much in common

90. Realizing you are running low on gas, but make it to the gas station just in time before your tank is empty

91. Playing fetch with a dog and they actually bring the ball back to you

92. Playing a board game as an adult that you used to love playing as a child

93. The thrill of riding a rollercoaster

94. Having a productive day

95. Fresh produce

96. Eating something unhealthy, but not regretting it because you deserve to treat yourself

97. Perfectly-designed latte art

98. Running through sand or grass barefoot

99. Having a neat and tidy desk

100. Eating brunch on the weekend with a person or group of people that you love

101. Writing in cursive just for fun

102. Watching a movie and being able to quote it word-for-word

103. Sorting through all of your emails and organizing them into specific folders so you feel less cluttered

104. Getting your nails done and having the polish stay perfectly intact without chipping

105. Learning how to play an instrument

106. Hanging up a piece of artwork or a photograph in your room that you created

107. Being out in the sun and realizing that your freckles are starting to show

108. The feeling of excitement when seeing the server bringing your food to your table

109. Collecting something that is of great significance to you

110. Taking risks and trying new things, resulting in you growing as an individual

111. Having the opportunity to live life to its fullest and taking advantage of it

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