11 Ways To Be An Everyday Hero
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11 Ways To Be An Everyday Hero

Small actions are often the most meaningful.

11 Ways To Be An Everyday Hero
Clipart Library

Let’s be honest here: random acts of kindness make us feel good. They make others feel good. They help benefit society in small ways, and those small benefits can turn into huge benefits when we consider the ripple effect. Being an everyday hero means mindfully, willingly, and joyfully choosing random acts of kindness to make the world a bit brighter. If you can, take five minutes and be an everyday hero. Start with these ideas.

1. Leave a space cleaner than you found it.

Eating out? Neaten your table after you’re finished, making it a little easier for your server. At home, keep your things organized. Don’t leave messes for others to clean up.

2. Pay it forward financially by buying a coffee for someone in line behind you.

Another way to do this is to donate your spare change to the charity boxes that are present in many businesses. Some businesses (like Goodwill, for example) will give you the option to round your purchase to the nearest dollar to support their charity. If you have the financial flexibility, consider this. Because let's be honest: life under late-stage capitalism is hard, and it sucks. If you can, help make it suck a little less for someone else.

3. Pay it forward emotionally by supporting strangers and friends alike.

You know the warm fuzzy feeling when someone pays you a genuine, non-creepy compliment out of the blue? Pass it on. If you love her shoes, or his dress, or their haircut—tell them! If someone you love has been working extra hard, give them a little recognition. (Shoutout to my mom—I love you and appreciate everything you do).

4. Be kind to strangers.

It’s well-known that everyone is fighting separate but equally different battles. Although you might not be able to understand or relate to everyone’s struggles, you can offer unconditional kindness and patience. Maybe the cranky old man deals with chronic pain, or the harried fast-food worker has two other jobs and children at home. Although you don’t know their situations, kindness is always appreciated.

5. Help someone who’s struggling.

This can get sticky, and you need to be sensitive to people’s wishes. The easiest way to determine whether someone needs help is to ask, and respect their answer. When close friends and loved ones are struggling, your support is a way to say, “I love you.”

6. Write a letter.

There’s nothing quite like a handwritten letter to tell someone you miss them, you support them, or you believe in them. Your grandparents and many of your older relatives miss you. Send them a letter. Or write to a member of the U.S. Armed Forces, someone who is in prison, or an elderly person.

7. Listen to and encourage someone’s dreams.

Even something as simple as “I believe in you,” “That’s a great idea, and you’re the perfect person for it,” or, “You can do this” goes a long way. Especially kids.

8. Volunteer.

There’s nothing more rewarding than making a difference in your community or neighborhood. Find your passion and run with it. Use your time and talents to

9. Choose to donate your gently used things.

Your local thrift store, Goodwill, or resale shop can provide you more information on this. By donating the things that you don’t need, want, or use, you allow another person to benefit from them rather than sending them to a landfill.

10. Stand up for someone, or stand with someone.

There’s a lot of discrimination and ugliness in the world. Don’t buy into it, but use your words and actions to let others know that you support them when they need it most. If you see something going on, stand with the victim. As the timeless Desmond Tutu quote says: “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you side with the oppressor.”

11. Finally, encourage others to pay it forward.

None of these things are especially difficult, depending on your situation and ability. If you’re looking for additional things, here's 60 more. There is something that everyone can do to be an everyday hero no matter who they are, where they come from, or what they believe. Yes, there are a lot of frustrating and horrible things happening. You can choose to oppose them.

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