With finals week approaching and summer on the horizon, I have been doing what most college kids are probably doing, PROCRASTINATING! After binge-watching five seasons of Bob's Burgers on Netflix I think I can confidently say Tina Belcher is not only a feminist icon but also an inspirational wrecking ball for the struggling college student. She is literally a walking, talking, butt-obsessed inspirational poster you would find in a guidance counselor's office. Tina Belcher is the tween hero that everyone can look up to! This thirteen-year-old cartoon girl has her life more sorted out than I do. She is confident, assertive, comfortable with her body, and maintains an authority over and uniqueness to her identity. Tina is simply the BEST! So, as my gift to you, the struggling college student, here are just a few times Tina Belcher summed up the college experience and made me feel just a bit better.
1. Trying to afford going to college and paying for basic living expenses on minimum wage or no wage.
I don't know about you guys, but EVERYTHING is so expensive! I have to work two jobs to just make ends meet, and to top it all off the job market majorly sucks right now, so I guess it is off to grad school after undergrad. YAY! More debt!
2.) Developing an alarmingly unhealthy relationship with coffee.
Oh sleep deprevation, my old friend. It is so sad that the highlight of my week is the free coffee I get from Einstein's after I fill up my coffee punch card. Coffee is my one true love.
3.) Too many attractive people on campus.
Never did I think so many attractive people could be congested into such a small area. It is alarming really.
4.) Experimenting with your look.
I had a green lipstick phase. Shit, I'm still in my green lipstick phase.
5.) Peer editing sucks, but what is worse is constructive criticism.
As an English major, I absolutely hate doing peer editing. I will be reading a fellow classmate's paper, who is probably a science or math major, with a running inner dialogue about how poorly written it is. It isn't like I can just say "Hey, your paper...well, it's bad," instead I have to scribble corrections, AND then I get my paper back and NOTHING is marked. -sigh-
6.) Being the person in the group project that miraculously pulls everything together last minute and saves everyone's grades.![]()
What's even worse is when you have to do a group project and the people in your group obviously don't care about it. You end up getting dumped with all the duties because you are an overachiever with a natural leader mentality. Stay humble though! You don't have to prove your amazingness to anyone but you!
7.) Trying to get through finals week like:
There is no where more comfortable than the floor when you're overwhelmed by the crippling stress of finals week. Here's to all nighters and falling asleep on your best friend's floor face down in a Biology textbook!
8.) Tackling finals week like:
But after it is over and summer is here you realize how awesome you did! And even if you feel like you didn't, you had the strength to get through finals. You are still awesome regardless of a grade! You kicked this semester's ass!
9.) Finally being confident enough in your studies to overcome stage fright.
It is the most amazing feeling actually knowing something about your major. It is even better when you overcome your stage fright and teach others about it!
10.) Learning the importance of self-care and self-reliance.![]()
No one but you can overcome this semester's obstacles. Just remember to not overexert yourself. It is okay to take breaks and if you need to, splurge on something you want! Reward yourself. Take care of and treat yourself so you can always be and feel your best!
11.) You really start to come into yourself!
College isn't just for education, it is an immediate step out of teenhood into adulthood. Here, you meet lifelong friends and are exposed to a culturally diverse world. Academia has alot to offer. It allows you a space to flourish and get to know yourself!
May you channel your inner Tina Belcher.
May you encompass her confidence.
May you succeed with her infinite wisdom.
Because you are...