Urban Dictionary defines adulting as "(v): to do grown up things and hold responsibilities such as a 9-5 job, a mortgage/rent, a car payment, or anything else that makes one think of grown ups." We all couldn't wait to grow up, but now here we are wondering why we were all in such a rush. Twenty One Pilots says it best in their perfectly titled song "Stressed Out", "wish we could turn back time, to the good ol' days, when our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out."
I don't know about you, but I could NOT wait to graduate high school and get on with my life. I'm not saying I would want to go back to those days; however, I am about a year away from finishing college and I just wish time would slow down.
1. When rent is due.
The days of living with Mom and Dad are behind and every one dreads the first of every month because you have to hand over a chunk of money to keep a roof over your head.
2. When it's time to go grocery shopping.
It's hard to eat healthy and stay on a budget. It is possible, but oh so difficult. Then it is even harder to make sure you eat all the food you spent money on before it expires.
3. When you don't want a job for extra cash but you actually need it.
I started my first job when I was 16 and it was great having some spending money. Now working equals groceries, bills, gas, etc.
4. When you have to make your own appointments and go to them by yourself.
Remember when your mom would make the appointments for you AND take you to them? It is hard to call and make your own appointments at first, but trust me, it gets easier.
5. When you have to call home to ask how to do something.
It happens to everyone at some point. I've had to call about laundry, cooking, cleaning products and more. Eventually I just started writing everything down.
6. At family gatherings you still don't know if you can sit at the "adult" table.
If buying your own toilet paper on a regular basis isn't reason enough to sit at the adult table at Thanksgiving, I don't know what is. Yet there's a double standard when everyone stops buying you presents at Christmas because "you're an adult now".
7. When you realize you can't eat a whole pizza and not feel like a whale.
It was possible in high school and probably happened many times. The freshman 15 is no joke, my friends. As you grow up your metabolism goes way down. Refer to number two and try to make smart, healthy choices while shopping and cooking. Don't get lazy and decide to just order in. It will catch up to you.
8. When you're kind of an adult, but you still don't know what you want to be when you grow up.
This is the worst! Being completely done or almost done with college and decided on a degree program, yet you still do not know what you're doing with your life. Everyone always asks the question: "So, what are you going to do after college?" I usually respond with a simple: "I'm not sure." Does anyone really know what they're doing?
9. When you're sick... and you have to take care of yourself.
This could also fit under number five. I have to call home when I'm sick and ask what to do under the circumstances. Hopefully, this will get easier as time goes by. No matter how much time goes by, I will always wish that I had my mommy to take care of me.
10. When you feel like you're juggling several things at once.
We want it all, right? But how does one juggle school, work, friends/family and get a decent amount of sleep in each night without losing one's mind? Adulting is stressful. Sometimes I just want to crawl in bed and act like responsibilities don't exist. I guess that's what Saturday mornings are for.
11. When everyone seems to be getting married and you're just like..
It's okay to not have everything together. There are some people who never grow up. That's not my advice, but if it takes a while to figure out this whole "adulting" thing, don't stress out over it. That's what Google is for, right?