11 Things We Will Miss About The Vampire Diaries
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11 Things We Will Miss About The Vampire Diaries

Goodbye, Mystic Falls. What will we do without you?

11 Things We Will Miss About The Vampire Diaries
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The Vampire Diaries is coming to an end, which is sad news for many. This show has made us cry, laugh, smile, and yell at our televisions. The fact that the show is ending is a little scary because we have poured so much of ourselves into this show that we probably won't know what to do with ourselves once it's over. We can always start again from the beginning, right? Though we would much rather the show just kept going on forever. Even though the show hasn't ended, we've started thinking about all the things that we will miss the most. Here are 11 things you're sure to miss about The Vampire Diaries.

11. The plot twists

Just when you think you've got it all figured out, The Vampire Diaries throws you one of the most unexpected curve balls. Those who you thought were dead came back to life. Those you thought would come back to life stayed dead. People got turned into supernatural creatures while others became humans. Doppelgangers. Cures. Hybrids. Each cliffhanger ending and plot twist leaves us literally panicking and looking for potential loopholes. Though they can make us panic, the plot twists are what make this show so amazing because there is never a dull moment.

10. The flashbacks

Who doesn't love a good flashback? The clothes. The time periods. The flashbacks were not only a breath of fresh air from the current storyline but also a chance to see a different side of some of our favorite characters. They gave the characters depth and helped us learn so much more about how are favorite characters became they way are.

9. The villains

You love them. You hate them. You love to hate them. The big bads of this show have been seriously amazing. Katherine Pierce, the original villainess, was honestly one of the best characters. She was powerful and deceptive, plus you loved watching her toy with the Salvatores. Who can forget Niklaus? The scariest and most evil of all the villains. He left you wondering how any other villain could possibly top him. There have been several villains since but you have to admit that the only other one you really liked was Kai. His wit and villainy were very Damon-esque which is perhaps why we liked him so much.

8. Team Badass

Fom enemies to besties, their journey from fighting with each other to fighting together has been one of the best storylines of the show. Their dynamic has always been complicated and we've loved every minute of it. Sure, they've had their ups and downs and have killed each other a time or two, but who hasn't? Team Badass will be one of the things we will miss most about The Vampire Diaries.

7. Caroline's transformation

Caroline Forbes season one was an insecure, jealous, annoying teenager. You really hoped that she didn't make it through the season. However, her transformation took her from your least favorite character to one of your favorites. She was no longer jealous of Elena and didn't find her identity in her relationships. She became a strong woman who found power within herself. Throughout the years, she has really grown into an amazing woman despite everything she's dealt with. We will miss watching her journey through life.

6. The many different romances

There have been many and I mean MANY romances in The Vampire Diaries over the years. It seems like every character has paired up with one another at some point in time. Not that we're complaining. These romantic pairings have given us some truly beautiful and tragic storylines. Not to mention, they have seriously upped our #relationshipgoals. These many romances have blown your mind and pulled at your heart strings for years and you're not sure what you're going to do now that the show is ending and your favorite couples story won't be continuing.

5. The strong female characters

There are some seriously bad-ass women on The Vampire Diaries, in fact, it's probably one of the reasons you love the show so much. They might not have all started out as bad-asses but over the years they have really developed into strong female characters. I'm pretty sure they kick more ass at this point than the boys do and they do it all while looking fabulous.

4. The handsome additions to the cast

The original Vampire Diaries cast is gorgeous. There's no doubt about that. And the cast has only gotten more attractive with each additional character. I mean just look at Mason, Alaric, Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, Kol, Hayley, Jesse, Liam, Luke, Kai, Enzo...we could go on. Seriously, where do they find all these attractive people?

3. The Salvatore brothers

The Salvatore brothers have the most complicated relationship on the show. They started out with an already complicated relationship which only got more complex when they both were trying to win over the same girl. Both have made life difficult for the other at times. Sure, they've got issues but what siblings don't? The important thing is that when it really mattered, they always had each other's backs. We've loved watching all of their epic bro moments and will seriously miss these two when the show ends.

2. #Delena

Sorry #Stelena shippers, but from that first dance you knew Damon and Elena were endgame. Their relationship was rocky at first...I mean she was dating his brother after all. When the two finally admitted their feelings, their relationship was epic. Watching them fall in love and get torn apart and get back together only to break up and then get back together again has been one of the best things about The Vampire Diaries. Their romance is so passionate and holds so much weight within the show. We're sad that their story has to come to a close but we can't wait to see how it ends.

1. Damon Salvatore

This might anger the Stefan fans, but Damon, obviously the thing we will miss the most. He's sexy, brooding, sarcastic, and perhaps the most dynamic character on the show. His complexity and anger have driven a lot of the storyline over the years. Plus, he always has the best lines. Yes, he can be infuriating and make some really stupid decisions but it's also heartbreaking because you know deep down he hates what he's doing. His love for Elena is one of his redeeming qualities because you see how much he's willing to do for her. He's selfish in every aspect of life except when it comes to Elena and Stefan. Watching him grow from the villain we all loved to hate into the antihero we all love is one of the reasons many continue to watch the show after so many years. We will truly miss Damon Salvatore and those ridiculously blue eyes.

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