Nintendo took the smartphone gaming world by storm when Miitomo launched back in March. Over 10 million users have downloaded it and have been reported to be spending 22 minutes a day on the app. Whether you downloaded the app right away or just recently, you’ve probably done one or more of these.
1. Spend thousands of coins on a single article of clothing.
Because you had to have that hot dog suit or cupcake hat. What is it with people dressing like food?
2. Take goofy photos of yourself and/or your friends.
3. Spend a ton of game tickets in Miitomo Drop to try and win one item.
And it was probably something stupid, like a pair of cat ears. Though it was fun watching one of your friends fall down and hit their head on a bunch of stuff. Repeatedly. Yeah, it was worth it.
4. Set your greeting to either "Who let you into my house?" or, "Get out."
Most of us like to be funny with our personalized messages. Nothing says welcome like threatening to call the police.
5. Bulls**t an answer to a question your friend asked.
How are you supposed to know who their celebrity lookalike is? You can't even name that actor from that movie you watched on Netflix the other day.
6. Add someone for the sake of social points.
You have no idea who this person is, but you do earn points when you add new friends. So might as well.
7. Skim through said person's answers.
Don't know, don't care. You're more interested in hearing your crush's answers.
8. Get a visitor, only to not know who they are.
Yay, a visitor! Wait, who are you again? Oh, you're friends with ________. Right.
9. Visit the same friend twice in one day.
I know it's been 20 minutes, but... any new answers yet?
10. Alternate between the way you answer questions.
You either give one-word answers or type out your life story. There is no in-between with these questions.
11. Lose track of time.
Give some answers, hear some answers, next thing you know, it's been almost an hour and you think you might have a problem.
"Miitomo" is fun for anyone, whether you’re addicted to the game or haven’t played in a while. The (average) 22 minutes each day are worth it because they’re filled with potential funny moments. Even on a platform relatively unknown to them, Nintendo continues to make great games.
Have you downloaded "Miitomo"? What do you like the most about the app? Tell us in the comments!