At last summer is here. For the first time since August, you feel like you can relax. No more essays, no more studying, no more 8 a.m.'s; life is great. That is until you remember that in a few short weeks, your summer classes start.
Whether it be on-campus or online, summer classes tend to put a damper on a persons mood. Summer is for getting away from school, not for spending 3 hours a day researching the emergence of civilization in the ancient period. Honestly though, what does that even mean?
Nevertheless, college is tough, and sometimes the only way to stay on track with your major is by taking summer classes. Here are 11 different stages of a summer class as told by the all-popular television show "Grey's Anatomy."
1. You register for the class, thinking it won't be that bad, and you feel so grown-up.
2. Then you begin to read over the syllabus that your professor has posted and you feel like he's trying to kill you.
3. Suddenly you realize, this class isn't going to be as easy as you thought.
4. Starting the assignments means watching your social life slowly end (again).
5. You wonder who ever came up with the idea of classes during the summer time, and also you wonder why you went along with it.
6. Doing the homework makes you feel like a complete idiot.
7. Asking the professor for a re-do on an assignment and he saying no because he doesn't have time.
8. Not getting the grade you want on the mid-term makes you throw a temper-tantrum.
9. Studying for the final is not fair when your friends are all out having fun.
10. But then you realize that the class flew by and you survived.
11. You finally finished the class, and you still have a few weeks of summer left.