Finals week is nearly upon us and with it all the odd situations we find ourselves in. Because, let's be real, weird things happen during finals week. Here are 11 signs that finals week is here.
1. When you're on your third cup of coffee - and it's not even lunch
Seriously, though. Everyone seems so much... sleepier during finals. Maybe it's because we stay up so late doing papers, or studying, or maybe it's just end of the year exhaust.
2. When you attempt to pull an all-nighter... aanndd it doesn't happen
Must. Stay. Awake. But English is just so hard. And boring. And I'll pass as long as I make a 50 on the finale, right? Right?
3. Having so much to do that your brain just shorts out - so you nap
I have two papers, two review guides, and a presentation to prepare. I think I'll take a nap first. It's only logical, right? Can't do my best work when I'm so tired. And stressed. And entirely done with this semester.
4. Realizing how much you have to do
Well, I mean, it's not that much is it? Surely it isn't as bad as it sounds. I just need to sit down and study. Or write. Or maybe just cry. That's it, that's what I'll do. I'll cry.
5. Food
There is something in the air during finals week that makes everybody insanely tired and insanely hungry. College students will literally eat anything during finals week. It's basically a form of stress eating.
6. Late night food
Not only do we eat more during the day, all late night study sessions and all-nighters require late night snacks. Besides, rumor has it that the fresh doughnuts at GADS come out at midnight.
7. Having your inbox bombarded with reminders to do evaluations
Some professors don't even acknowledge your existence until it's time to fill out evaluations. Some don't seem to know that their e-mail exists until evaluations. Regardless, your phone buzzing every few minutes from the e-mail notifications is annoying when you're trying to study - or eat or sleep.
8. Suddenly - and without warning - being broke
All that coffee and food takes it's toll on your bank account (and your body, folks, stay healthy during finals). Suddenly, you check your bank account and.. oh, you have ten cents left. Good thing it's almost time to go home.
9. For the first time ever your class has perfect attendance
When you walk into class on days like this, you question if your even in the right class for a split second. And then you're kinda angry because somebody is inevitably in your seat.
10. Free coffee at Java City
Have no fear, Hilltoppers, Java City is here! During finals week, Java City (and rumor has it, Starbucks) has free coffee. And apparently, free chocolate chip cookies as well!
11. Running out of meal plan dollars
Not only are you broke, but you're almost out of meal plan dollars, too. It's the end of the year, though, and school is basically over, so there's no point in adding any back on. Not really. You're just going to power through.
Finals week is a time and place of an alternate reality. But, as quick as it starts, it's over. So, power through, Hilltoppers! Grab your coffee, your books, and let's kick this year in the butt!