There are hundreds of HBCUs in the United States, including public and private institutions. All offer students an experience like no other. Some feel that predominantly white institutions are the only places that offer real world experience, but that is a myth. HBCU students are prepared for the real world and top class education. As a student at Spelman College, I can say that historically black colleges and universities fully equip students to be successful all around. Here are some reasons you should consider one of these institutions:
1. Diversity
Most people assume that HBCUs are not culturally diverse which is false. Yes, they were built to primarily serve African-Americans but that doesn't meant the experience is limited. People literally come from all over the world to attend these institutions.
2. Empowerment
Our institutions are rich in history. To be able to attend the very institutions that so many people fought for is empowering. You are following in the footsteps of so many and carrying on a legacy of excellence.3. Community
The community of a HBCU is very supportive. It is a close-knit community that makes you feel included. People you don't even know will be supporting and rooting for you to be your best. You will meet individuals with similar cultural experiences. It creates a lifelong family.
4. Faculty
The faculty members are always looking out for your best interest. Most of the classes are smaller which allows for a more intimate learning environment. You won't t feel like just another number on your teachers roster.
5. Networking
While attending an HBCU you meet multiple individuals with similar goals as well as alumni who are more than willing to help. The HBCU Network provides endless opportunities if you take advantage of them. There is an instant connection between those who attend HBCUs.
6. Fashion
I quickly learned that your typical college attire isn't going to cut it everyday. Students are dressed to the T on a Monday morning, suited and booted for classes. This doesn't mean that you have to do the same, but you will definitely be served looks on campus.
7. Black History
If you feel like you aren't getting enough of this now, you will if you attend a HBCU. The lessons are everywhere, from Math to English class. Black History is 365.
8. Band
Football season is something you don't want to miss. The bands get down like no other! The bands are always performing to a classic instrumental, and you can't forget about the dancers. Halftime = showtime.
9. Swag Surf
Although the AUC does it best, HBCUs have mastered the swag surf. This is the anthem and song that will get us together and dancing in seconds. Was it really a function if you didn't swag surf?
10. Homecoming
Homecoming is a big family reunion. Alumni come from all over as well as people who didn't even go to your school. Homecoming season is the time to have to have fun and look cute while doing it!
11. G-L-O-W U-P
The growth is inevitable and it happens quick! You 'll find yourself wanting to participate in things you never even thought about. Your friends and family will notice it when you come home, trust me.
There are so many institutions out there for you to explore. Hopefully this list has made you want to look for a HBCU to attend!