11 of the Greatest Grey's Anatomy Quotes of all Time (part one!)
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11 of the Greatest Grey's Anatomy Quotes of all Time (part one!)


11 of the Greatest Grey's Anatomy Quotes of all Time (part one!)
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Grey's Anatomy is one of the most popular shows on Netflix. It is the most iconic medical drama of the 2000's. Some of us have been here since season 1, and others binge watched seasons 1-10 on Netflix in a matter of weeks. We are all proud of our favorite doctors, and watched them "grow up", from being first day interns, to being the chiefs of their departments. We've seen so many characters come and go over the seasons, and have a special place in our hearts for all of those we've lost along the way. Yes, that includes you, 007. Don't think we've forgotten your heroic, selfless save. Here is part 1 (of many) of some of the best quotes from Grey's Anatomy.

1. Cristina Yang to Lexie Grey. Season 4, Episode 15

Cristina is always inspirational, especially when it comes to giving advice about being feisty. Cristina is super feisty, knows what she wants and intends to get exactly what she wants. She has fire and is unstoppable.

2. George to the other original interns (and the best interns). Season 1, Episode 2

The OG interns are life. Their journey as surgeons is what we all watch Grey's for. We all love to see their surgery-crazed faces, especially Cristina's face when George was the intern to perform the first solo surgery. Thank you Dr. Burke!!

3. Callie Torres to a patient's boyfriend. Season 4, Episode 4

Callie Torres- I love you. Callie always keeps it real, and puts people in their places. Besides her actions in all of season 12, Callie has always been right about everything. Penny is satanic, and killed Derek. You may not date her! And you definitely cannot pick up and take off with your daughter when she has another parent in Seattle! Come back and be with your daughter. That is all.

4. Meredith to Derek. Season 7, Episode 2

This is when Mer is screaming at Derek for speeding and getting put in jail. She tells him she purposely didn't bail him out because it kept her from worrying about him wrapping his car around a pole. Listen McDreamy, speeding is bad. It makes your wife nervous. Don't do it or she'll leave you in the slammer overnight.

5. Derek to Dr. Perkins, the hospital therapist, Season 7, Episode 1

McDreamy, I hear you man. You've got to decide where to cut in a matter of seconds. Think less, and just do. Derek says this when he's talking to the therapist after the shooting. Overthinking kills. There is one reason Kepner didn't get shot, which is because she told the patient's husband all about her life. She thought on her feet, as a good trauma surgeon needs to. Think less, and just do. Seems to be a good idea, as long as you have at least half a brain. I do not suggest that 90% of the general population do this though.

6. Meredith's voiceover. Season 3, Episode 10

"At the end of the day, when it comes down to it, all we really want is to be close to somebody. So this thing where we all keep our distance and pretend not to care about each other, it's usually a load of bull. So we pick and choose who we want to remain close to, and once we've chosen those people, we tend to stick close by. No matter how much we hurt them. The people that are still with you at the end of the day, those are the ones worth keeping. And sure, sometimes close can be too close. But sometimes, that invasion of personal space, it can be exactly what you need."

Mer keeping it REAL. Everyone wants a McDreamy, or a Cristina as their person. The dedication between this love triangle is amazing.

7. Meredith to Derek. Season 2, Episode 5

Iconic. What can I even say about this? NOTHING. NOT A SINGLE THING.

8. Callie to Arizona. Season 9, Episode 9

Callie has had enough of Arizona’s one-leg moping and says, “You are exactly the same person you were before just minus a leg. I have been supportive for months. But there comes a point where you have to suck it up and stop whining and start living. Ok, so you have one leg. It’s a wedding. And weddings are sweet and beautiful and no one is going to notice the stupid leg because everyone is going to be looking at Bailey and maybe for one night our lives can be about something other than that damn leg. My whole life is about that leg. I haven’t had sex in five months because of the leg. Enough about the leg!”

Arizona puts on her sparkly flat shoe and sucks it up and goes to the wedding.

9. Cristina. Season 2, Episode 9

Cristina, I hear ya. There's always food at home. Home is where the food is. Cristina will not be attending Thanksgiving dinner unless there is food. Somehow, Cristina and Burke take over Izzie's feast. No worries Cristina, your man can cook.

10. Meredith's voiceover. Season 4, Episode 6

"Deep down, everyone wants to believe they can be hardcore. But being hardcore isn't just about being tough - it's about acceptance. Sometimes you have to give yourself permission to not be hardcore for once. You don't have to be tough every minute of every day. It's okay to let down your guard. In fact, there are moments when it's the best thing you can possibly do - as long as you choose your moments wisely."

Once again, Mer is keeping it real. You never would have thought she could be so deep, did you?

11. Cristina to Owen. Season 7, Episode 17

Another ICONIC Grey's moment. Cristina says this to Owen when he calls her beautiful when she's irritated he's been "buddy-buddy with Webber lately". Cristina, we love you. Please come back from Switzerland. Mer needs you back. I need you back. We miss our hardcore cardio god. XOXO, Every original Grey's fan.

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