When you leave for college everyone gives you lots of advice, but you never understand why until you experience it yourself. Your first semester of college is a crazy time of adjusting, but it's where you find yourself.
1. Coffee
It's a gift from heaven. Didn't sleep well last night? Coffee. Can't wake up? Coffee. Need to pull an all nighter? Coffee.
2. Sleep is amazing
You might night get enough of it, but when you have a free night you spend it sleeping. Also on Saturdays you might not get up till 2pm.
3. Diversity
At least for me going from a predominantly white suburban area was a culture shock. I like it a lot though. You meet so many people from different backgrounds in college at it's one of the coolest thing.
4. Naps
Naps are literally what keeps you going. It's acceptable to take one at any time of day after your 8:00 class, instead of lunch, or at 9:00 at night. It's also acceptable to take one anywhere on campus.
5. Ramen
Don't want to walk to the dinning hall for dinner? No problem! Ramen is so easy to make and not to mention cheap. It's also quite tasty and filling.
6. Walking
You never realized how much walking you can do in one day. You have to walk everywhere in any weather, so you own rain boots and tennis shoes. The walking is good though, it helps you burn off the calories from the cookies you had with lunch.
7. It's okay not to party
Some people feel pressured in the first month of college to go out and get the "college experience". Over time we learn that you don't go out and party to have a good time.
8. Friends come and go
You might make many friends in the beginning, but only some of them will stick around. Over time you will find your true friends that will stick around.
9. Pizza
It's acceptable for any meal, any time of the day. Also you can get it delivered right to the lobby of your dorm. What could be better?
10. You miss your family less than you thought you would
I assumed I would be constantly missing my family, but I don't. It's not that I do not miss them, but if you get involved you'll miss them a lot less.
11. You're stronger than you ever knew
College is hard, especially the first semester. After every storm come a rainbow though. The breakdown you had studying might result in an A. You are smarter and stronger than you ever knew.