If you're an English Major, you've probably heard the same routine of questions and jokes from people no matter where you go. When your friends say, 'look at this book' and you're always expected to know everything about it. When colleagues and family asking 'what kind of jobs are you looking for?' has become expected. It's almost a daily task to keep these assertions at bay. Here's some of those famous lines English majors are just sick and tired of hearing.
1. What can you do with that degree?
Oh I don't know, anything I want really. As you can see, I can write and edit articles for Odyssey. I can seek work in journalism, publishing, technical writing, teaching, legal writing/assisting and so much more.
2. What jobs are you looking for?
The jobs are out there, and the English major has so many options due to the versatility and range of applications for writers. And I can always work on creative projects, from memoir to fiction, both practically and for my own enjoyment.
3. So you want to be an author?
Why not? I would love to write something that makes an impact, even a small one, on the world. Who wouldn't want to become a best selling author? I like to imagine it will happen one day, but I'm not weighing everything on a dream. I'm pursuing practicality, isn't that ironic.
4. So you're okay with being broke?
No, not okay. Who would be okay with that? I'm doing what I love and pursuing a career in the same field. What's wrong with that?
5. It's an easy major.
What? Not true. It's English, do you speak it? Not that there's a clear way to compare different fields of study, but I would love to see how others would handle over 250 pages of reading on top of essays and papers for three or more classes every week. I'm not one to say what majors may be easier, but my major is far from easy for me.
6. It doesn't make any sense.
Well, neither does 'parking on the driveway and driving on the parkway' but nobody ever talks about that.
7. Are you in the library all the time?
Actually, not so much personally. I can't speak for all English majors, but just like any major, people have different study strategies. I only go into the library when checking out books and looking for print sources for classes.
8. Have you read _____?
No, unfortunately I haven't read every single book in the world yet. Don't just assume I've read everything, and know every author. The range of genre and topics in the English major is vast, and you may not know where one's focus of study is.
9. Can you look at my paper?
Sure, right after I look at my own. I have no problem giving tips on papers, and grammar checking emails. As long as I'm ahead on my own work. I can't write your paper for you, but a few hints can go a long way.
10. So you just read books and write?
Yeah, isn't that what happens in every class? Of course it's what we do, and the best part is, it's what we love to do.
11. You're part of the grammar police.
Oh you're right. I'm going to call you out on every single simple grammatical mistake you make. I'm not out to get you. I'm just trying to save the world from illiteracy one sentence, one word, one period at a time.
12. You made a mistake! Aren't you supposed to know that?
Believe it or not, I make grammatical errors too! I actually like when people get a sense of satisfaction when they call me out on my mistakes. Hey, I'm not perfect, that's just how I learn to get better. Oh, and please stop correcting me when I'm speaking informally. It's just that: informal.